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Chapter 10

I am now 3 months pregnant. It is June 10th aka Alexis 8th birthday and I have a doctors appointment, Harry is in London recording with the boys and has Dylan Alexis Cody and Hunter while I have Cara Dan Chris and Miley here at home.

I took Ben Cara and Miley with me to the doctors appointment, while I gave a list to Matty to get ready so we can leave after the appointment.

Once we arrived at the doctors we had to wait for a bit. Ben gave Cara and Miley his phone and they sat on the other side of him.

"What do you think it is?" Ben asked.

"I think it's a boy, Harry thinks it's a girl, but we won't know for a few more months." I told Ben.

"Yeah I think it's a boy." He agreed "Do you think your having twins again?"

"I hope I don't, but I don't mind if I do."

"That would be strange, 3 sets of twins in a row." Ben said.

"That would." I said. Right after the doctors called us back. Once we got back there the doctor came and asked me questions and poked at my belly.

"Alright Mrs. Styles why don't we check the baby's heart beat." he said while getting a little machine out.

We sat there is silence when the doctor was trying to find where the baby was.

"Do u hear the Mrs. Styles? that is your babies heart beat."

Ben awwed and so did Miley and Cara. Ben was recording it so he could send it to Harry and everyone else.

"Oh wait, I hear something.." the doctor said trying to listen closer.

"Why is something wrong?" I asked getting panicked.

"No, I'm hearing 3 heart beats, of corse one I them is yours." he said while writing something down. "Does twins run in your family?"

"Yes, I have 2 sets, my Mom is a twin and on Harry side his Uncles are."

"So it's not to weird that you may be having twins. Congratulations!"

"Thank you doctor, I'll see you next month?" I said while shacking his hand.

"Yes I will make an appointment for next month."

*At the House*

"Your having twins!?!?!?"

"Yeah, I'm having twins."

"That's awesome!"

"Congratulations Mom."

"Thank you guys, now go get ready for lunch, I'll be up in my room."

Once I got up stairs I went strait to my laptop and logged into Skype and started calling Harry.

"Hey baby, how was the doctors appointment?" Harry asked.

"Great! I have some big news for you!"

"We're having twins?"

"How did u know?"

"I was guessing!! But were having twins!!"


"Holy crap! do the kids know?"

"Yeah I just got done telling them."

"I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I!"

"Alright babe I gotta get going. I'm suppose to be writing a new song, so I'll call you later, love you!"

"Tell Alex I love her and Happy Birthday from all of us! Ok, write a hit, love you!"

And with that we hung up and I went on twitter.

"Proud to announce that @harry_styles and I have having yet another set of twins!!" I twitter and after seconds got bunches of replies

From @edsheeran: "Congratulations! I'm coming for Alexis birthday bash this weekend! Hint: I want my room!"

From @grimmers: "oh it seems just yesterday I was helping pick out names for Dan and Chris! Congratulations!"

From @Dylan_Styles: "can't wait for my mom to have the new twins! Love you guys @harry_styles @mirandastyles"

From @littlemixofficial: "Can't wait to buy baby cloths again!! -Perrie"

From @Official_Styles: "I remember when @mirandastyles and @harry_styles were getting married! now I have 8 siblings!"

I smiled at each tweet and shut off my computer and went down stairs to eat lunch.

*a few days later*

Today is the day that we have everyone at our house for Alexis birthday party. Not only did she ask for her friends to come but also all of our friends. The guest list is huge! she has about 10 of her friends and than ours. We have Ed Sheeran, Niall, Zayn and Perrie, Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Danielle, Katy Perry, Conor Maynard, Nick Grimshaw, Lou and Tom, plus Lux, Matty, Ben, Gemma, Anne, Robin, Jay, and of course all of our family other members.

Harry also flew home a few days ago with the kids and has been sleeping pretty much non-stop since he walked in the door.

For Alexis party we made it a BBQ and a pool party type thing. Niall and Harry were grilling away while all the kids were in the pool.

Welcome To My Crazy Styles FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora