Aric Damon Styles

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Chapter 15

Aric Damon Styles. Our 13th child! Aric was born on June 28th 2027, at 1:18 PM. He weighted in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and 19 inches. He has a head full of brown hair, green eyes, and he is the greatest baby a mother could ask for.

We didn't want to find out what we were having so we had name ideas. Harry suggested Darcy Paige, Darcy because he has always loved the name Darcy, and Paige because of my best friend. For a boy he suggested Edward James. He wanted to name one of his children after Ed Sheeran and also the fact that his middle name is Edward. James because of Niall and Liam's middle names, I like both of the names.

Harry wanted the godparents to be his sister Gemma and step-brother Mike. We agreed on that as long as I could name the baby. Well I got Aric from a boy I went to school with and I had learned that he had named his daughters middle name after me, Sarah Miranda. Aric and I had dated in high school and he is now a famous skater. I got Damon from one of my classmates who was one of my best friends and we still do talk to each other. He also works with Aric and we have seen each other recently.

So now we have:

Dylan Silas

Alexis Ariana

Hunter John

Cara Nicole

Daniel Jack and Christopher Finn

Miley Krista and Cody Nicholas

Ashton Carter and Luke Paul

Kendall Rose and Kylie Anne

Aric Damon

We have been together for 11 1/2 years, we got 10 ten kids of of those 11 1/2 years.

Some papers and news shows have said that we are the perfect family, the family that everybody dreams of! You have Harry Styles from One Direction as the husband and Miranda Styles (Kerr) a world wide model for Victoria Secret as the wife , than you add in the kids, talented, musical, amazing children. That's one thing a person wrote about my family. It may seem easy but having 13 children and your husband is part of the first billion dollar boyband and your the model that everybody wanted on their ad and on their cover. But when you are trying to raise 13 kids under the age of 35, it is hard. The cameras may make it look like it's easy but it's not. Why do you think we have 3 nannies.

My family is nothing but easy! My kids grew up with cameras, bodygaurds, and screaming girls around us! The other day my son Dylan had to call his bodyguard because he went to the store after school and the paps followed him. Each one of my children has a bodyguard, Harry and I have 2 each. Our nannies each have one. Plus we have one extra that is the main one, that is the boss. That is 21 bodyguards for 18 people. Now we don't use all of them but for when we go to like a event we use most of them. For when we know there is gonna be a lot of people at someplace we use all of them just for the safety of our family.

How we get the names of our children is just like everyone else. Some of our children have a name that is after someone close to us or just the fact that we like it. Like Dylan Silas got his middle name from Alexandria's father who's name was Silas. Harry said they liked Dylan just because. Alexis is a nickname that some of Alexandria's friends called her when she was younger and her middle name is her grandmothers name. Cara Nicole got her name just because we liked it, we do know some Nicole's but they aren't the reason why. Daniel Jack and Christopher Finn were names that Nick Grimshaw chose for us. As for Miley Krista and Cody Nicholas, we liked the names Miley and Cody but their middle names mean something. Krista because my best friends mother was named Krista and she was a saint and Nicholas is my older brothers name. Ashton Carter and Luke Paul, Ashton Carter we liked the names and Luke we also liked but his middle name Paul is after Harry's old head bodyguard and like his dad on tour. Kendall and Kylie, there names went and their middle names Anne and Rose are of people in our lives. Anne is of course Harry's mom and Ann is my moms middle name, and both Harry and I had a Rose in our family so it felt right. And I already told you the reason for Aric's.

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