Dylan and Frankie

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Chapter 26

The first Styles now has a child of his own. Evan Tyler is the newest member of the Styles Family. Dylan is now at the age of 23 and has a child. He also just finished a movie he has been working on for six months. Frankie, like many of the girls in the Styles Family, is a model so when she got pregnant she couldn't really model anymore so she took a break and got ready for the baby. Tonight is the night where Harry and I get to watch our grandchild while his mum and dad. So Frankie and Dylan have an interview tonight, which means we, as in the whole Styles Family, are all in LA for two weeks staying back in our house. Man have I missed the house! I've been trying to talk Harry back into moving into the LA house.

I think it's time for us to move back. Our kids are all going into the business and I think they need to be in LA. Sure London was great for all of them and not everyone gets to experience it.

So we were at the house with all the kids and Evan waiting for Dylan's interview to come on. 

"Now you many remember our next guest from about 15 years ago when he was just 8 to the age he is now. Please welcome Dylan Styles! Dylan is the son of pop boy band member Harry Styles and model mother Miranda Styles!"

"Hey Alan." Dylan said while sitting on the couch.

"How are you? I haven't seen you since you parents announced that they we're moving over to London."

"I'm doing good yeah. I finished the movie a few weeks ago and its just been go go go."

"And your married?"

"I am married yes, to my lovely wife Frankie." Dylan said while smiling and looking at the photo on the TV of Frankie and himself. 

"And you just recently became a dad?!"

"I did yes! He was born last week now so yeah that's just great."

"and the little ones name is?"

"Evan. Evan Tyler Styles. Yeah hes amazing."

"You must be use to that now because you have many siblings."

"Yeah growing up with 15 siblings helped a lot!"

"now I'm old now but what are all of their names? because i remember when you were younger and you all were on my show and i had you introduce your siblings." 

"Yes, i remember that. Alright, first we have Alexis, than there is Hunter and Cara, then the twins, now don't get them confused,  Daniel, Christopher, Miley, Cody, Ashton, Luke, Kendall, and Kylie." Dylan said while laughing.

"Yes! that is how you said it too when you were on here last. That is amazing." 

"There is some more added onto that list but you wanted the old stuff."

"Now where are you living right now?"

"Here in LA, I moved out of the LA house when i was 19, so I've been living on my own for awhile."

"I remember when your father was 19. He just found about you at the time. Now i know the one thing your parents didn't want was their children getting compared to them. You on the other hand are not even like your parents. Your an Actor, your mom is a model while your dad is a singer. Yeah i know they were talking about how they didn't want their kids becoming famous just because of who their parents were and what your last name was, they wanted you guys to make something of your own and not just be Harry and Miranda Styles kids."

"Yeah that was their goal, they didn't want all of us to be growing up in their spot light, they wanted us to be someone and shine brighter than they did. By doing that they started all of us early on and had us doing this that we liked and what we thought was cool in a way and most of the things they had us start on was what we are doing now so i think they did a great job of doing that."

"I don't know if you remember this but when your parents were at their top they still kept the family close and didn't get nannies and they didn't put their careers first they had all of you first. And a lot of people hated on them for that, they all said your parents were to young and couldn't do it, but they did and that is amazing."

"Yes i remember that, my parents always told us to do what you want, follow your gut and never give up. All of those people said that my dad was way to young to have kids at the age of 19, but he still had me. I turned out great, my younger brothers and sisters turned out great, we are just fine. That was one thing my birth mum said in her will was that don't let my babies get to air headed, keep them gowned. That's what my mom and dad did when Alex and I were gowning up. That's why all of us are so down to earth, our parents never treated us like we were famous, we were treated like any other normal kids. We had little jobs to do when we were growing up around the house and they had to be done before we could do anything, so it wasnt like we got away with anything."

"I like that about your parents, they keep you all growned and thats good, really good, especially since you all are famous and all have so much fame." 

 "Yeah their great, I would never ask for better parents. They gave us everything."

"Now back to your son."

"Yes my son Evan, he is great, first grandchild."

"Not to make this all on your parents but i did read something the other day where it said that you beat out your dad and actully waited until you turned older and had a kid and got married."

"Yeah him and I were laughig about that one the other day. My dad had a kid when he was 19, i had one when i was 23, not much of a difference. My dad might have gotten married when he was 24, but hey thats live, he had it different than i did. Everyone is going to compare me to my dad because we are alike in so many ways its not even funny, and I'm ok with that becasue how many people can say that i got compared to Harry Styles, i mean come on thats like living the life right there, even if he is my dad."

"That is what i love about your family, you guys just laugh about anything and everything. It doesnt seem to bug you guys."

"It really doesnt, like I guess right now my little sister Cara just broke up wiht her boyfriend of 4 years. Yeah right! Those two would never considering their tighter than a knot! They couldnt even if they wanted to becasue they love each other so much."

"Alight, we will be right back with Dylan Styles."

Thank you to everyone who has read this book so far!! All it is was a laugh that I thought would be funny to write and now 975 of you have read it and I am very thankful for that.

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