The two girls kept babbling, and Roy's irritation only increased. "Ehem. Listen ladies, Rob likes his personal space."

And of course right after he said that, Dick gave the woman a small hug. "He doesn't seem to mind." She said.

"Yeah well, his parents instructed he stay by my side at all times." The redhead countered, and both girls scowled.

Roy laughed. "Besides, they also instructed that he's not allowed to associate with anyone who has less than half a brain- that would mean the both of you."

"You don't know nothing about us!" The second woman nearly shouted.

"You have a point. But you ought to be real dumb with that kind of fashion sense."

Okay. Maybe Roy was taking it a bit too far. Both of them were actually super hot.

Thank god he was saved- it was finally their turn to order.

They walked up to the counter, Dick turning around and giving a small wave.

"I'll have a vanilla cone, one scoop." Roy said. "Rob what do you want?"

Dick rubbed his chin over-dramatically in thought. "I'll have one scoop of cookie dough, one of chocolate, and one of vanilla all in one cone. I'd also like it drowned in chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and rainbow sprinkles."

The man taking their orders looked a bit surprised, but went to make their ice cream anyways.

As the man handed them both their ice creams, Roy suddenly had a great idea on how he could get back at Dick. Who cares if he's eight?

They went to sit down at one of the tables, Dick holding the huge ice cream cone in his hands. The guy definitely went by Rob's orders... the cone was dripping syrup and sprinkles.

"Happy now?" Roy grumbled. Dick nodded.

Before Roy could smash Dick's ice cream in his face, Dick had already done it to Roy. Apparently they both had the same evil idea.

"You little- ugh!" Roy growled, trying to swipe the ice cream off of his face. He couldn't fucking see!

Wait a second. "Ha! That means you have no ice cream now!" Roy laughed.

But, when he finally got the ice cream out of his eyes, he saw Dick eating his ice cream cone.

"Oops." The younger boy said, shrugging his shoulders.

Roy slumped in his chair and put his head in his hands with frustration. This was a horrible idea.


Bruce rushed to the phone in his office at Wayne Enterprises as it rang loudly.

He quickly picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Master Bruce." Alfred greeted from the other end of the phone.

"Is Dick alright, Alfred?" Bruce asked with concern.

There was a long sigh on the other end of the phone from the butler. "Mister Harper knows about Master Dick's situation. They both left the manor, sir. It's best if you come home straight away."

Bruce slammed his fist on the desk. Dick hadn't listened to him!

"I'll be there soon Alfred. Thanks for calling me." Bruce said, hanging up after Alfred gave a small goodbye.

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