So Many Friends

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"You guys could get a temporary drummer and tour without me if you want," I suggested hesitantly. While I didn't want to miss a tour, they obviously wanted to get back out again. To be honest, I was getting the itch to play a show again, but physically I wasn't ready.

"No, no way. We're not touring without you. That would be weird," Jeremy interrupted as Dan handed Cameron to Blake. "We're gonna wait till you're ready to get back on the road to tour again," he reassured me. I was glad he was on the same page as me on this one. There actually weren't a lot of things we weren't on the same page on.

"We're definitely taking a few months off for this one," I told them. I would be lucky to be back next winter since it was already June and I had no desire to do anything besides stay home and take care of my new beautiful daughter.


"Well, it looks like you're ready to go, Ms. Davis," Doctor Williams announced happily. It was probably the best sentence I had heard him speak my whole hospital stay.

"Thank you," I replied politely before I grabbed my bag and Ricky picked Cameron's carrier up carefully. It was adorable how protective he was over her already. She wasn't even a week old and he was already caring for her so well.

After he left, we made our way out of the hospital and to the car. I could honestly say that I wouldn’t be missing this place. After securing Cameron carseat in the back, we were off towards home. “I can’t wait to get home,” I murmured, looking out the  window at the passing scenery. I had never seen drive so slowly. I’m not sure if it was because he wanted to make sure Cameron was ok or because he was still feeling guilty about the car accident.

In response, he gave me the most adorable smile ever instead of saying anything. The reply, or lack of one, make me think he was up to something, but I didn’t question him. The rest of the ride home was spent in a comfortable silence. When we got to our small, but cozy apartment, Ricky carefully took Cameron’s carrier out of the back seat as I started to look for the keys. All I wanted to do was take a long nap in my own bed. I hadn’t had a decent night sleep before I went into labor and I was looking forward to a well-needed rest.

We trudged over to the elevator and then when up to our floor. As I opened our door, I could rustling coming from the living room. I gave Ricky a questioning look as I tiptoed near the source of the noise.

“You’re gonna ruin it, Balz,” I heard someone whisper as I neared. The stern voice sounded a lot like Chris. If I had been expecting them and I hadn’t been so tired, I would’ve been happy to see them.

“They’re here,” someone else whispered. This time the voice sounded like Devin. This time, I couldn’t help but smile because I hadn’t seen him or the rest of I See Stars in such a long time.

Suddenly, all of I See Stars, the rest of Motionless In White and Into The Dark, Tony and Vic from Pierce The Veil, Ash Costello from New Years Day, Balz’s girlfriend, Ryan, Ghost’s girlfriend, Kylie, Ryan’s girlfriend, Allie, and Angelo’s girlfriend, Kelly, stood up from behind our furniture, startling me a bit. “Surprise!” they exclaimed, thankfully not loud enough to disturb Cameron.

I let out a laugh after the initial shock wore off at how hard the had tried to surprise me, but still failed. “Told you were gonna ruin it,” Chris scoffed, looking at his short friend. It wasn’t really that Balz was that short. It was just that Chris was a fucking giant.

“Well, sorry,” Balz replied, the attitude dripping from his voice. He crossed his tattooed arms over his chest sassily before turning back to Ricky and I.

Before anyone else could say anything, Devin pulled me into a tight hug, which caused everyone else to hug me, too. While I hadn’t seen I See Stars in awhile, I hadn’t seen Ash in a longer time. She was one of my few female friends, along with Jenna from Tonight Alive, Juliet Simms, who I met because we toured with Her boyfriend, Andy’s, band Black Veil Brides, and Sandra from Modern Day Escape. Out of all the females we toured with, Ash and I had really just clicked for some reason.

“Aren’t you guys suppose to be on tour?” I questioned once the greetings were over. It wasn’t that I didn’t want them to be there, because I did. I just didn’t want to miss a show.

“It’s called a day off, Midnight,” Ash clarified with a smile. It took me a moment to realize that that meant she had flown all the ay here just to throw me a surprise party and that meant a lot to me.

“And we’re playing a show around here tonight,” Devin explained. I seriously couldn’t believe he hadn’t told me that he was going to be in town. He was lucky I was holding my bag still because I would’ve hit him.

“Thank you guys,” I told them gratefully. I never got to have all my friends in the same place at the same time, so this was truly a special moment to me. Between all my friends being here and Cameron, I couldn’t have been happier.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang