Epilogue: Everything That You've Ever Loved

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I woke up to the sound of Jeremy's voice in my ear. "Get the fuck up, Midnight!" he yelled with anger laced in his voice. He had probably been trying to wake me up for hours to no avail.

I groaned and started to roll over in my bunk. It was the fourth week into our first tour back since Cameron was born. Ricky was staying him with her. While I felt bad about leaving him alone, I knew it'd be my turn when Motionless In White went on tour. "What?" I moaned, hoping there was a reason for a such a rude awakening.

"There's a surprise for you in the front lounge," he explained was an excited smile, his anger seeming to have be depleted. I shut my eyes again, not wanting to get up. Whatever this surprise was, I was sure it could wait a few minutes while I tried to get up. "Come on," Jeremy prodded. I let out a sigh and slowly started to climb down from my bunk. I groggily rubbed my eyes and he pulled me into the front of the bus.

When we entered the front lounge, my eyes practically bugged out of my face when I saw about the last thing I expect to see: Ricky sitting on one of the black fake leather couches with Cameron's carrier resting on the floor beside him. "Ricky!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling fully awake. It felt like forever since we had seen each other even though it had only been a little less than four weeks. I ran over to him and threw my my thin tattooed arms around him neck and laid a big kiss on his lips. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I demanded when I pulled away.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," he replied with a smile. He then snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. It had been so long since I felt his touch, or at least it seemed so long, that I almost forgot what the contact felt like.

"How long are you staying?" I questioned curiously. If I couldn't had it my way, he'd be here for the whole tour, but that wasn't realistic.

"Just till the end of the week," he answered. Considering it was only Tuesday, that meant we had quite a bit of time together. It would never be enough for me, but it would satisfy me for a bit.

"And Blake and I are taking Cameron so you guys can have fun since we have the day off," Jeremy announced as Blake nodded. I swear, I had some of the best friends ever.

After a few more minutes, I decided to go get ready. Since neither Ricky or I knew the area well, we would probably just end up walking around aimlessly, but that didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that he was here with me.

"You hungry?" Ricky questioned after I exited the bus' small bathroom. It was already one o'clock. Since I barely got to sleep at home, I was trying to catch up on tour. Between all my sleeping and the time it took me to get ready, I was starving. As if on cue, my stomach let out a low rumble, causing both of us to chuckle. "I think there's a Cheesecake Factory around here," he told me, taking my hand and leading me off the bus.

"How do you know that?" I questioned. I wasn't sure if should be impressed or weirded out by his random knowledge. I guess after countless tours, you get familiar with the areas around the venue.

"You know Chris and his cheesecake," he joked. Chris was a sucker for a good slice of cheesecake. He probably dragged the rest of Motionless In White there all the time.

I let out a chuckle as we continued down the fairly deserted street. The walk there wasn't too long and in no time he was holding the door open for me. The lady at the hostess station sent us a disapproving look before leading us to our seat. I had gotten used to the judgmental people of the world, but I still had to wonder why everyone had to be so rude.

"How's the tour been going?" Ricky questioned after we had ordered. It had been such a long time we had a full conversation. Before the tour, we had Cameron to take care of and on the phone, Ricky usually had to go before of Cameron.

"Awesome. We really need to tour with blessthefall more often. They're really cool guys," I responded wholeheartedly. We were currently on tour with Sleeping With Sirens, blessthefall, and Issues. They were all super cool, but Elliott from blessthefall and I seemed to really hit it off. We were both kind of quiet and tended to keep to ourselves so I guess we just understood each other.

"That's cool. I'm just glad you'll be home soon," he told me with a smile. As much as I did love touring, I loved my family more. It was nice to have a short break from being Mommy, but I couldn't wait to be home.

"Don't worry, you'll be relieved from Daddy duty soon," I teased. I had to admit Ricky as an excellent father, but I was almost afraid to see what the flat looked like now that I was gone.

"It's not only that. I miss you," he told me, causing me to smile. It was nice to know I was missed. I guess it just made me feel needed. Im sure it wasn't easy for him being alone with Cameron all the time.

"I miss you, too," I responded with a small smile. Unlike him, I was busy having fun on tour while he was taking care of a five month old baby, so I was sure he missed me more.

It wasn't long before we received out food and started munching away. It was nice to just be able to talk to him. He was still one of the few people I felt completely comfortable talking to. That's why I loved him so much.

After we ate and he paid, we decided to walk around the town for a while before heading back to the venue. We strolled around for awhile before he came to halt randomly in the people-less street. I gave him a confused look as he stopped on the street corner. I was about to ask why he had stopped when he cut me off.

"Midnight, after this last year and a half, I've come to love you so much and I can't imagine living without you. I love the family we've made and I never wanna let what he have to. You're the most beautiful, amazing girl I know and I know I'm not perfect, but I'm gonna keep trying until I'm good enough for you," he told me, causing me to smile. He really know what to say to make me happy. "So, Midnight," he said, taking a deep breath. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his jeans before doing about the last thing I expected: he got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet box that looked to be purchased at a jewelry store. When he flipped the box open, the diamond ring inside sparkled in the sunlight. I let out a quiet gasp. Was he really asking me what I though he was going to ask? "Will you marry me?"

AN: This is the last chapter! Thanks for reading the whole thing! I hope you guys liked it! I've already started writing the first chapter of the sequel so that should be up soon. Also, I've decided to write a third book about Cameron's life. I'm not sure if I'm going to write that at the same time as the sequel or afterwards, but it will definately get written. :)

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