Don't Be Scared

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“What time are we playing, Midnight?” Blake, my band’s guitarist, asked me as we walked around the event grounds. It was the first official day of Warped Tour and this was our first year doing it, so we figured we would go explore. Blake, Jeremy, our bassist, Aaron, and our band’s other guitarist, Dan, had all attended Warped Tour as a fan in high school, but since I lived in Australia until I was 17, I hadn't be able to go. I had been to the one they had in Australia, but was still a bit unsure of what to expect.

“4:15 I think,” I responded taking a drag of my cigarette. Blake coughed dramatically and I gave him the finger. He had been doing that since I picked up my first cigarette. “Stop being suck a wimp Blake,” I muttered.

“Hey, Midnight,” a familiar voice called from behind me. I spun around at the sound of my nickname and was greeted by Ricky’s smiling face. I felt myself return the smile and my stomach flip-flop out of nervousness. Why did he make me want to smile? Why did he make me so nervous? It was kind of annoying

“Hey, Ricky,” I greeted as Ricky came running up to Blake and me. “This is Blake,” I added gesturing to my black-haired friend. Blake had long hair that he insisted on straightening everyday. His light blue eyes were rimmed with heavy black makeup and practically his whole body was covered in colorful tattoos.

“Nice to meet you,” Blake told him. He gave me a look as if to say ‘when did you start making friends?’ He was always teasing me about being ‘antisocial.’

Blake asked about Ricky’s band and some other things we had discussed the night before. The whole time he had this little smile on his face. I couldn’t figure out why, but it was kind of starting to creep me out. “Are you gonna watch us play?” Ricky questioned, looking down at me. I was kind of shocked he cared. I mean, why would he care if some random girl watched him and his band play?

“Uh, yeah, sure,” I answered, not exactly sure what to say. My awkwardness seemed to have kicked in and I started fidgeting with my hair, being careful to not burn it off with my cigarette.

“Cool, we play in an hour. When do you guys play?” he asked. I was kind of hoping he wouldn’t watch us. I didn’t want him to judge us by our lyrics or music in general. I know anyone can do that, but it’s different when you have to talk to the person afterwards.

“4:15,” I responded, my stomach now churning with nervousness. I was already pressured to play amazingly because it was the first day of tour and this was our first time playing Warped, but now Ricky was going to watch. That made me ten times more nervous. Why did I even care so much? It’s not like we were friends or anything. I mean, we just met and I had beyond enough friends for my liking at the moment.

“I’ll be there,” he told me happily. I saw Blake raise his eyebrows from the corner of my eye. He was probably thinking I liked Ricky, which was way off or at least I thought it was.

All I could do was nod before a tall guy with black hair and tattoo covered skin came up to Ricky. “We need your help with the equipment,” the guy told him. I was guessing this was one of Ricky’s bandmates. He peered over at Blake and me questioningly.

“Well, hello to you, too,” Ricky said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes up at his giant of a friend. I could still fell Blake’s eyes on Ricky and me and it was making me self-conscience.

“Sorry, hi. We need your help,” he rephrased. I had to admit, this guy was pretty intimidating. To me, tall people were all a bit scary considering most of them could pick up their foot and squish me. I was literally one of the shortest people on earth. Not to mention some tall people felt the had power over us short people just because of their height. It might sound insane, but I knew about it first hand.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt