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Okay so first off, this is a VERY old book. There will be things in here that dont make sense, and there will be errors. Hence why ive put //OLD// in the title. As much as i love helpful criticism, please do so in my newer books, where it has present things that need worked on. This book has a lot of errors that i know, and dont want pointed out by millions of people over and over again😂.
Lots of love,
It happened too fast. Lance thought as zombies flooded his old home. He was standing a safe distance, the zombies didn't even realize he was there.

The day they came, no one was prepared. He thought, clutching the baseball bat he had in his hand. The world around him was chaotic. Cars were crashed, buildings seemed torn, and the sky was a pitch black. There was no noise besides the eerie grunts and gasps of zombies as they walked around the city.

Lance turned around and began running towards the last known place his friends were. Maybe they are at the bowling alley. He thought, panting as he ran.

He paused, his heart leaping in his chest, as a crowd of zombies walked towards him. No! but. there was no one HERE!! He turned around, only to see more zombies. "Stay back!" Lance's Ocean blue eyes were terror-stricken, and his once tan-looking face had gone pale.

The zombies had gotten closer, and Lance felt he could barely breath. He whipped up his baseball bat and smacked a zombie in his chest. Direct hit. The zombie collapsed instantly.

So.. if you hit a zombie in it's chest, it's instantly dead? Gotta remember that. Lance thought as he raised his bat again. The zombies had closed in, and he had gone stiff. Before he knew what was happening, a zombie bit onto the baseball bat and another zombie yanked it away from Lance, leaving him defenseless.

He felt his heart began to pound in his chest. NO! NO! He was close enough to the zombies, that he could see the black deepness of their blank and emotionless eyes, and he could smell the foulness of their skin, rotted and ripped apart.

No one was prepared. It happened too fast.

//OLD// Loving you~Zombie Klance AU Where stories live. Discover now