HD ~ Chapter Twenty

Start from the beginning

As I grabbed a rag off the bench I was sitting on to wipe the sweat from my forehead, someone knocked on the door to the gym. I looked up to find my grandmother in the doorway with a small smile on her face. "There's my favorite grandchild," she said.

I smiled softly and stood up. "I don't think you're allowed to say that, Nana," I said. "You have nearly twenty grandchildren."

She rolled her eyes and brushed aside my comment. "Lisa's kids are spoiled brats. Nobody compares to my Felicity."

Out of everyone in this pack, my grandmother was the person I missed the most. She'd always been there for me. She was the only one who ever supported me. "It's late, Nan. What are you doing up?"

She looked around the room. "I was going to ask you the same thing, but I figured it would be a pointless answer."

"Yeah, I-"

"-couldn't sleep," we both said at the same time.

I gave her a small smile and nodded. She gestured towards the back of the gym and we sat on the ground against the wall. "You got yourself mixed up in a sticky situation," she told to me.

I let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah, you could say that," I mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Running a hand through my hair, I sighed. "You know, I thought I wouldn't. I mean, I didn't think anyone would really understand what I went through or how it impacted me. But holding it in is just going to make me implode."

Nana took hold of my hand in both of hers and kissed it before placing it in her lap. "I'm listening, honey."

I took a breath and let it out slowly. "When I left that night, I left to find my mate. I didn't want to be someone's burden like Clarity was going to make me become. I wanted to be someone's reason for living. I almost had that when I was gone. I came so close," I said looking up at the ceiling.

"What happened?"

My eyes then fell to the floor. "He didn't choose me. He had a different reason to live," I said softy. Then I turned to face my grandmother. "Nana, Cole is going to get himself killed and I'm not sure I know how to stop it. I don't want to lose him. Even if I can't be with him, I don't want him to die."

Nana leaned over to give me a hug and I returned her embrace. When she pulled back, she looked me over. "When you left that night, I told you that your journey wouldn't always be smooth," she told me. "You just need to remember that things always have a way of working themselves out. It might not end the way you want it to, but you will find a way to be happy."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"You will," she said confidently. She turned and stood up. I followed suit, but as she walked to the door, I stayed behind to clean up the equipment. Before she left, she turned back to me. "Felicity?" I looked up from putting the weights back. "Don't train too vigorously. You need to know the limits of your body now." With that said, she disappeared up the stairs.

I frowned at her words. I was stronger than I ever had been before. I felt like my body had no limits. Cole had given me confidence to feel that way. I understood that I wasn't indestructible. I wasn't going to do anything to get myself killed. At least, I didn't think I would.


After I finished up in the gym, I headed back upstairs. It was just after four in the morning. Even though I hadn't done much in the past few days, I could feel exhaustion setting in. Once I made it to my bedroom, I headed straight for my connecting bathroom to turn on the shower.

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