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there are so many pov changes in this yikes and I'm sorry it's been like a fortnight

He never really portrayed himself to be the nervous type, but at that moment in time he felt as if a thousand butterflies had taken residence in the pit of his stomach. If someone were to use the word 'worried' (which Louise did), he would tell them that that was the biggest understatement in history (which he did).

Since learning from Phil that another student had found himself in his and Connor's company (not to mention he was the son of a teacher), he felt all the more pressured. Though he imagined Joe, a boy who saw being in charge of music for PowerPoints to be a huge weight on his shoulders, found it a hell of a lot worse.

Every person glowed hues of black and deep red. Louise described it as seeing a traffic light whilst driving after sundown, with what the first light resembled matching perfectly to the overall feelings of the group. To stop. For everyone's lives to go back to normal.

The small calendar on his bedside table told him that it was the twenty-fourth day of the month (the exact day of one of Dodie's predictions, but he didn't really want to think about that). The day had been marked with a small red dot - all of the days in which he'd been told something bad were to happen had been marked in the same way, just as a reminder. It didn't help him to stay calm, nor was it a healthy coping mechanism - but it made him feel like there was some form of order within his life, which was comforting in a deeply twisted way.

Dan had started to lose faith in the people around him, he knew Joe wouldn't gain the courage to take away Alfie's ability in the time frame of the few days before PJ would be trialled - he was holding on for a miracle to happen. And in that sense he was extremely lucky. But it wasn't quite a miracle, per se, more down to the fact Zoe and Joe had a cousin in one of the younger years who possessed a rather helpful ability.

"Invisibility?" Dan questioned when Zoe told him.

"Uh-huh. Cool, right? She's only thirteen but she's really talented."

Dan looked down at the girl by her side. She was short in height with chestnut hair that fell to the middle of her back. She looked a little confused, Zoe most likely thinking she was too young to know the full story.

"So, she can make you invisible for no longer than six hours - though sometimes it's less than that so only ask her when you're ready."

"Wait," Dan interrupted. "I'm not the one in need of this."

"Joe will have it too, but I figured you'd also want to be there." she responded.

She was right about that.

"You'll be able to see Joe and vice versa but no one else will know you're there - it's the safest way to go about things," Zoe continued. "Plus, if there's one thing I've learnt about my brother, it's that he will procrastinate his procrastinating so he gets nothing done within a time limit. He needs somebody there to motivate him."

"Because I'm the most motivational guy in this place, got it," Dan rolled his eyes at her.

"Sir, please - I'm telling you the truth."

"You're telling me that three students are a part of some strange magic cult who have killed at least one student and also have multiple  students, including my son, held captive in various alternate dimensions?" the teacher looked up from his desk.

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