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Q: What inspired you to write this series?
A: Like I said last time, one of my favourite fics got discontinued so I wrote my own out of spite and here we are. Then it became a series because I like writing about this world and I didn't want to abandon it quite yet.

Q: Why did you end Lethal like that and destroy my heart?
A: I didn't want to write a happy sappy fanfic idk - sorry for any cardiovascular destruction caused.

Q: How do you find the time to sit down and write?
A: I'm rather sleep deprived. I'm a night person, my brain just sorta works better later on in the day. Spend an hour writing a day, and if you want to do more then carry on - that's a good way to do it.

Q: Any regrets from Part I?
A: I don't particularly ship phan but I kinda just wrote an awkward kiss scene because people wanted them to date in this. If it was all platonic I thought people would get annoyed and stop reading, but now I don't really care as much about that. Tbh it's my story and if someone doesn't like that they can stop reading and that's perfectly okay.
I'm not gonna change it though, it's a complete 0-100 and cringey as heck but who cares, it's only fanfiction.

Q: Second favourite thing about writing here? (Bc you answered this in Lethal lmao)
A: I love the way every reader will perceive the world a writer has created in a slightly different way. Like in my head, the academy looks like this big castle I live a couple of hours away from. But other people most likely have something wildly different in their mind to what I see whilst reading and I find that so cool.
That's sorta why I don't like watching movie adaptations of books, it just sorta ruins my unique perception of it.
I also find it cool that I have people living in 6 different continents reading what I write - that's like every human inhabited continent and I still can't quite get my head around how freaking amazing that is.

Q: Any more YouTubers you'd like to add?
A: There's too many characters as it is, so probably not lmao. But maybe jacksepticeye if I were to add more people.

Q: Did you want everyone to hate PJ?
A: I wanted everyone to be indecisive about him at least, if you hate him that's cool though lmao.
Like he made Dan sorta realise he liked Phil BUT then he joined the Dark Side™ and was a total bitch tbfh BUT he turned himself in for killing Shane BUT he took all the blame himself and didn't get the other 3 arrested.
The boy's been through a lot tbh.

Q: How are you so good at writing?
A: I wouldn't say I'm good, I'm like mediocre at best. But practising writing and doing lots of reading helps.

Q: Do you like angsty fics and do they influence your writing??
A: I love angst, I'm not sure if what I write counts as angst or not but I'm a total sadist and love killing you guys emotionally (I reckon it counts who am I kidding??).

Q: Who was easier to write about?
A: Probs Dan this time around because he's with all the characters and Phil's technically only with a few of them (excluding voices).
Plus I guess I kinda relate to him with the whole 'has bad coping mechanisms when things go wrong, leading to a reputation that's way too important to him resulting in him acting differently to keep some perceived image of himself that doesn't really have to exist unless he chooses to enforce it' kind of thing. (My autobiography right there^)

Q: Can I make fanart?
A: Of course! You can send me if you like as a link or you can ask for my tumblr or email if that's easier.


Q: Insp behind the username change?
A: Dan changed his channel name, which meant my user wasn't relevant anymore so I also change mine. It's still a reference to this fandom, just a bit more subtle. I might change it back, I'm not sure.
rip in peace improbablynotonfire
(Spon follow backup ily)

Q: If given the chance, would you publish an actual book?
A: Hell yeah I would. I have ideas for original stories that I actually think are good (I've genuinely buzzed about it to my parents), I just haven't written them. But I'm not sure if I have the talent, time and depth to write an 80K word novel tbh, maybe in the future.

Q: Favourite types of fics?
A: fake relationship, superpower/anything to do with magic and the supernatural, serial killer AU's (I'm not ashamed), slowburn fics with lots of angst that kill me on the inside a lil bit mmmmm.

Q: What's the best fic you've ever read?
A: I'd say A Map Of My Heart And Mind by cadensaurous on ao3, I've read it so many times - basically platonic d+p get drunk married in Vegas but stay married for a year and stuff happens, 11/10 recommend it. (Smutty in parts, sometimes I skip past those chapters sometimes I don't it depends bc I'm generally not a fan of smut)
There's good serial killer AU's out there (because I'm a deeply twisted person) if you want something darker, I just can't remember the names - there was one where Dan killed people alphabetically that was really good it was called Psycho(??) on ao3 or something like that.

Q: What music do you like?
A: I'll just give you a list below of a couple:
The 1975, Florence and The Machine, P!ATD, MCR, FOB, Troye Sivan, Dodie Clark, Harry Styles, Neck Deep, The Weeknd (sometimes), Paramore, Oasis, Courtneers, Of Monsters and Men, The Lumineers, The Mowgli's.
(Yeah that's enough)
My taste is a mixture of rock, punk, alternative, indie, folk and pop - give me more artists to listen to if you want.

And Green Day how could I forget ^

Q: Favourite food?
A: idk garlic bread maybe??

Q: Dogs or cats?
A: Can I say both? Dogs are really fluffy and I like to hug them but I volunteer at a cat rescue centre and they're all really lazy and want attention and food 24/7 and like same??

Q: How are you so amazing?
A: I am literally the lamest kid you will ever meet. But feel free to hmu and chat if you think differently.

Q: Will you write anything else?
A: I published something last week, it's called Are You In Love With A Notion and it's gonna be angsty.

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