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^^ i don't care that this is an old meme, I made it when it was more relevant but it's going here anyway because I found it hilarious at the time.

If Dan wasn't: firstly, alive; and secondly, adamant on not being the hugest cliché known to man - he would've sworn his heart stopped beating at that very moment.

Anger, sadness, remorse. They all came at once like sea water against rocks at high tide, crashing with such a force it eroded away any bit of willpower to be strong that Dan had left.

"Dan, your colours are really dark. Are you okay?"

Three words 'are you okay?' were what triggered the floodgate of emotions to open and break him entirely.

Dan wasn't prone to breaking down in public. Hell, he wasn't prone to breaking down in any social setting. He reckoned the Dan several months ago would've been scolded himself severely, called himself weak and cowardly; though his time was different. Of course, the option wasn't in any way desirable or preferable to other ways of dealing with his emotions but it was tolerable all the same.

"I'm not okay, Louise. Not even slightly."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Don't wanna be a burden." he mumbled almost inaudibly.

"You wouldn't be." Louise pulled him into a somewhat awkward hug, the height difference and Dan's stupidly lanky frame meant he had to crane his neck a little bit to hide it in between her shoulder and neck. Dan couldn't decide whether it was helping or not, the last person he'd hugged was Phil and that particular thought made things far worse.

It was a new low for him, utter humiliation - he wasn't supposed to cry. He remembered when people's eyes would widen if he so much as glanced at people, and look at him now. Dan couldn't even bring himself to find humour in the irony of it all.

"Dan you're only human, crying is okay." Louise told him, somehow knowing about what was going in his head. His colours were probably a glowing shade of amber, likely a clear tell.

He didn't want to look up at the people around him. Dan would have hidden in Louise's left shoulder until he was old enough to leave the place if it were up to him.

Dan had always had a problem with facing people after doing anything he deemed to be abnormal for him; whether what he did was something wrong or something completely expected of any person. Where this particular problem surfaced from was somewhere or something he didn't have the answer to. He reckoned it had gotten worse within the past few years or so.

After a few more seconds of hiding away, he was met with six pairs of perplexed eyes looking in his general direction.

Tyler's eyes in particular darted over to meet his, the expression on his face seemed to question whether or Dan was going to tell the people at the table.

"I'll tell you, just anywhere but here - far too many people."

"Is there time? Fourth period's going to begin soon." Zoe asked.

"Give me one moment." Tyler announced, then vanished.

Everyone turned their heads and exchanged confused glances with one another.

incarceration //phanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ