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Also this is unedited bc I'm very tired sorry if it's bad.

The walk down to the headteachers office was funny in some ways, then the total opposite in others. He and Joe couldn't be seen by anyone aside Mr Peters, which meant Dan could kick Alfie in the shin as often as he wished (and the teacher didn't try and put a stop to what he was doing). Nevertheless, Dan caught onto the exchanges of nervous glances and dragging of feet of the people around him - it pulled him back into reality; as fun as it was to watch Alfie fall onto the ground whenever he tripped him up, he knew the situation was too serious to make jokes out of. Dan was still telling himself that none of this was real, that he was dreaming and that perhaps he'd wake up the following morning with Phil still gone and the same feeling of sadness residing within him.

Mr Barnes' office door had never scared him before, after all, he'd been in the place often enough. Countless selfish and insensitive acts that he'd only really do because he was angry had gotten him called down over and over. But now a sudden fear had gripped him. He felt like a first year all over again, and he really didn't like it. No one can even see you right now, quit being extra he told himself.

The teacher pushed the door open and entered without knocking, startling the man at his desk. He looked up disapprovingly but his expression soon changed once his eyes had met with another person of his age.

"Anything I can do to help you?"

"A few students have a few things they'd like to confess." was all he responded back with.

The three of them then proceeded to tell a half-hearted tale of what they'd done, skipping out details here and there to save their own skins in the process.

"And why would Mr Liguori lie and get himself arrested, hm?" he questioned, seeming unsure of what to believe.

"That would be my fault, sir," Dan called out, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't be seen. "PJ was there on the night of the attack but didn't do anything, naturally he was afraid to stand up to them. When he tried to apologise to me I got angry instead of listening to what he had to say. I told him he was nothing more than a murder accomplice and if he felt all that bad he should just turn himself in. But I didn't intend for him to take complete blame for a crime he didn't commit. I'm sorry if I made things worse."

Dan didn't say 'sorry' a lot, he couldn't remember the last time that particular word had left his lips. However in this scenario he felt almost compelled to give some form of apology and take even the smallest bit of blame for how complicated everything had become.

Mr Barnes turned his head sharply towards where the sound had come from, confused.

"Daniel has taken it upon himself to beg a second-year to turn him invisible so he could play 'spy' - usually I wouldn't be happy but it's meant everything has been recorded without the other three knowing, it'll give you a more honest story and can be used as evidence in court."

Mr Peters had avoided telling anybody that Joe was there too. From the corner of Dan's eye he could see Joe about to open his mouth to speak and announce his presence; without thinking he pressed the palm of his hand against Joe's face in attempt to stop any words from being spoken. It was almost successful, there were no actual sentences but the spontaneity of Dan's actions meant a muffled noise escaped from him that was heard by everybody in the room. Robert then coughed awkwardly to make it seem as if the sound had come from him, but it was hardly convincing.

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