Chapter 31

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When I saw Trevor standing in front of me I wanted to cry. "Here's your- Azha?" He asked looking at me. "Hey Trevor how ya been?" I asked not really caring cause he broke my heart but being nice anyway. "It's been great it's been lost without you though." He said while looking at me all sideways. "Trevor you were the one who slept with my friend Trina when yo knew I was closest to her and I loved you for seven years." I said looking at him seriously forgetting everyone at the
table. "Azha I tried to say I'm sorry but you didn't wanna hear it." He tried to reason his side. "You know what I've lost my appetite I'm going home I'm sorry G just tell me tomorrow." I got up put money on the table and left in my Range. When I got home I grabbed my ice cream and just cried and watched vampire diaries for the rest of the night. When I woke up I saw G looking at me like I was an alien. "What happened back there you just left and I had way with Devon cause I didn't eat all day so u could eat that good ass food." G looked at me with a crooked smile expecting me to laugh but I didn't. "Babe that's the guy that broke my heart, ate it, and threw it up in a dumpster. He is the reason why I give u such a hard time cause he hurt me too many times to count throughout those seven years." I said while my eyes start to water. I just got to avoid the conversation even further. I got downstairs and I see Sammy she has a disappointed look on her face. "What?" I asked her looking back at her confused. "You keep cutting him out of your life and it's really starting to effect your relationship with him. So open up Moreno know it hurts to remember but it gets it out of your system." She said teary eyed. "I know but it's hard to be that into him and not think that one day he'll leave me for Devon or someone else that's prettier than me." I said with the tears rolling down my face. As soon as I said that H walked down the stairs and looked at me and said "Babygirl there is no one I rather share me life with other than you. You make me laugh, smile, and even roll one with me. You are the realest person I've ever been with cause you get me more than anyone else. So don't ever think that I'll ever leave you, because I love you too much." He said while tears are coming down his eyes too. "I love you too." I said kissing him all over his face repeatedly. After that emotion mess I decided to be a little cute and post on insta.

@devonbaldwin- Honesly couldn't compare to me and G will leave you don't worry I'll take him

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@devonbaldwin- Honesly couldn't compare to me and G will leave you don't worry I'll take him.
@G-Eazy- Look bitch I'm tired of you coming for my babygirl so if I were you I wouldn't try her cause she'll beat your ass
@AzhaLove👑-Well damn I will beat your ass but damn babe😂😂
@DevinBaldwin-you say that now G😘
@AzhaLove is bae- Girl he don't want you so leave my homie alone😤😤🐸☕️
I just laughed at the comments I love my boyfriend and my fans. God that girl is gonna be a problem I need to nip this shit in the bud real quick.

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