Chapter Fifty Eight: More Than Business

Start from the beginning

As she was starting to get up, the accountant grabbed her arm. 

"What's the hurry?...he won't be back for quite some time still...stay a little longer," he said.

Ji Hyo took her arm away from him and that's when he jumped on her.  He began to kiss her hard on the lips.  Ji Hyo was desperately trying to get him off of her.  This is only intoxicated the accountant more.  He began to move his hand on her buttoned shirt.  While still kissing her, he ripped her shirt open, exposing her laced bra.  She began to scream, when he started covering her mouth with his hand.  She continued to squirm underneath him but eventually she was able  to get away from him and ran to the front door.  But he was too quick for her.  He grabbed her again and this time she slapped him hard across the face.  She was just about to open the door when he pushed the door with his hand.  She quickly ran to Gary's room and tried to lock the door but again the accountant followed her and pushed the door open.  She ran to the other side of the bed so he wouldn't go near her.

"Get away from me...Gary will be back soon...just get away from me." she nervously said.

The accountant didn't fear Gary as he always thought of him as a weak person.

He came closer to JI Hyo.  She then jumped on the bed to get to the door but he grabbed her leg and brought her down on the floor.  He quickly got on top of her again and began removing her pants.  Just then Gary walked in with Gil.  While at the studio, Gil happened to be there and was just getting ready to go home when Gary invited him for drinks at his apartment.  Gil accepted his invitation and together they headed back to Gary's apartment.

Gary and Gil heard a scream in Gary's bedroom.  Gary immediately recognized the scream as Ji Hyo's.  They quickly ran into the room.  At first they didn't see anybody but when they went around the corner of the bed, they could clearly see the accountant covering Ji Hyo's mouth with his hand, while kissing her neck and shoulders.  Gary was enraged looking at how his accountant was ravishing his fiance.  He had this look of rage in his eyes.  Surprised that Gary already came back, he quickly got off of JI Hyo.  She was lying on the floor, with disheveled hair, shirt torn exposing her laced bra with the straps hanging on the side of her arms, pants unzipped and partially removed.  The accountant was bolting for the door, when Gary grabbed him and punched him to the ground.  Gil immediately ran to Ji Hyo to see if she was okay.  Ji Hyo begged Gil to stop Gary from punching the accountant.  Gil grabbed hold of Gary's arm, just as Gary was about to punch him again. 

"Gary, he's had need to look after Ji Hyo...she needs you right now...I'll take care of him...go," he said.  Hearing Gil's voice, Gary calmed down.  He looked at Ji Hyo's direction.  She was vividly shaken from her ordeal.  He got up from the floor and immediately went to Ji Hyo.

Meanwhile, Gil picked up the badly beaten accountant off the floor.  He told him how lucky he was that Gary didn't kill him for what he had done to Ji Hyo.

"We will pretend this never happened but you are never to mention this to anyone because if you do we will find you and finish the you understand me?" Gil said in a threatening voice.

The accountant understood.  After he gathered his belongings, Gil escorted him to his car.  Once they got to his car, Gil told the accountant, "if you ever go near Gary and Ji Hyo again, I will personally come after you and make your life a living hell!"

Frightened by his deep and threatening voice, the accountant made a promise to never associate with Gary again and that he would stay far away from the two of them.  To reassure that he kept his promise, Gil made him sign paperwork confessing what he had done tonight with Ji Hyo and how Gary came to defend her.  He had the accountant sign and date the paperwork.  Gil wanted to protect Gary from any lawsuit the accountant might bring up on him.  Once the accountant left, Gil went back up to Gary's apartment.

When he walked in the door, Gary was comforting Ji Hyo on the couch.

Gil asked, "how is she?"

"She's still shaken by what happened," Gary said.

"Gary, can I talk to you in the kitchen," Gil said.

Gary looked at Gil and made a move to get off the couch but Ji Hyo stopped him.

"Please, don't leave me, " she said in a frightened tone.

"Ji Hyo, nobody is going to hurt you anymore...we'll be right here...I'll just talk to Gil for a moment...I'm right here...don't worry," he said reassuringly to her.  He then kissed her on the forehead, got up from the couch and into the kitchen.

"Gary, I took care of everything...he won't bother the two of you takes this paper and put it in a safe place," Gil said.

Gil hands him the note the accountant signed when he was in the parking lot.  Gary read it before putting it away in his wallet.  He thanked Gil for being a good friend and true (though not through blood) brother.  Gil wanted to know if there is anything he can do to help JI Hyo? 

"No Gil...I am going to take her home now...I'll take care of her more once we get home....thank you, thank you for everything." 

Before Gil went home, he escorted Gary and Ji Hyo to her car.  After Gary gently helped Ji Hyo into the passenger seat, he turned around and hugged Gil.  He thanked him again for what he did tonight and told him he will talk to him a little later.  Gil went to Ji Hyo and held her hand.

"You'll be okay, Ji Hyo...everything will be okay...he'll never hurt you again."

Ji Hyo turned to him, smiled and nodded.

Then Gary got in the car, waved goodbye to Gil and drove Ji Hyo home.

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