I'm never getting that drunk again in my whole life, who knows what I might do.

I finished off the cigar I was holding and dropped it in the bin that waas standing next to the table.

I was reaching in my pocket to pull out another one, but my phone buzzed in my pocket. I dreaded who it might be. I looked at the screen, and yes, it was Nella.

My finger hovered over the answer button, I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear what she had to say. Without realising, I pressed answer.

*phone call*

Derick: H-hello?

Nella: Derick, I know you probably want nothing to do with me, now that you succesfully got to have sex me, but just listen-

D: Nella, you don't have to say anything to me. It's me that has to say sorry, it's me that was a total jerk. I was drunk out of my mind. You don't have to forgive me, I don't deserve it, but just please try to.

N: No, its not that. I hate you so bad at the moment, but I have to tell you something.

D: What is it?

N: I-i'm pregnant.

I froze. My worst fear of getting a girl pregnant without meaning to has come true. What am I supposed to do now?! Oh god, I hate my self so much! How am I meant to tell my mum and dad?

D: Listen Nella, I'm so sorry. Whatever you choose to do next, I will be there for you. It's my responsibility to care for the baby, or to hold your hand if you decide to have an abortion. I'm coming over, I'll be at yours in 5.

N: Okay.


Nella's POV.

I was devastated when I found out I was pregant. I was throwing up all morning, and me and Annabelle went to the local drug store to buy a test. Usually it would be Rochelle who would be there for me, but after that argument we havent spoken once, and I didn't really want to.

When it was positive, my heart broke in two. My whole life is now over. I dreamed of having a successfull job, earning money, having kids and a nice husband when I was ready. Now I dont have a future. Who would want to employ a girl who got pregnant at 15?! How would my parents react? They are wery protective over me, and will be just as devastated as I am when they find out.

Even if I did have the baby aborted, everyone would then hate me calling me a murderer and not even rochelle would stand up for me.

Well i wasnt ready to forgive rochelle my self yet. She did say that I stick to her like gum and that she find me annoying. If she doesnt like me being there, she could of just said, I always thought that she enjoyed my company. And when I pulled her away from Derick it was because I didn't want her to get the habit of smoking and become as addicted as Derick is. I never mean to tell her what to do, I just care about her even more than I care about my self and our friend ship is everything to me. And I would never want Rochelle to get hurt.

I guess she just took it completely the wrong way.

I heard a knock on the door, and my stomach twisted. Derick said he would come over.

I stood up from the sofa, shaking and took my time walking over to the door. 

When I opened it, Derick stood outside, his eyes puffy and his hair a mess, completely unlike his usual self. He was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a black hoodie.

We looked at each other for a second, and then he pulled me into a tight hug. I heard him sob as he pressed his head into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him in return. Despite what he was done to me, he wasnt the sort of guy that would just leave a girl to struggle on her own.

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