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Neither of them.

Neither of them are a match.

"I'm sorry, this would have made the process a little easier if you knew people who were matches." The doctor says, "where are your parents?"

"They're dead." I say harshly. "And that's where I want to be, so maybe I don't need blood, maybe you should just forget it, because I don't want to be here anymore!" I say, tears forming in my eyes. Kevin and Liam simultaneously put their hands on each of mine in an attempt to calm me down.  The tears flow down my cheeks anyway as I push them off and cover my face with my hands. My lungs hurting more and more with each sob, but I don't care anymore. I can hardly even feel the psysical pain anymore.

"Wouldn't it hurt her to cry?" Liam asks the doctor quietly, but I can still hear.

"Yeah, it should. It's strange how she's handling it so well." I wonder where Kevin is, I can't see him, but I wonder if he's still here, or if he left. Maybe he's just staring at me, wondering how much pain one person could feel.

Well, I know the answer. Because while I'm hurting from the emotional pain, I'm also feeling it psysically, because it feels like I'm being stabbed in the chest... Over...and over... And over...

I finally hear Kevin's voice.

"I need to go. I'll be right back." He says, and then I hear the door close, and he leaves. I pull my hands away from my face and notice that the doctor is gone too. I look at Liam, the tears streaming down his face again.

"I'm sorry Liam." I say, putting a hand on his cheek. "I can't do this anymore. I know I promised you that I would, but I just can't."

"Yes you can. Everything is going to be okay. We're going to get through this. Together. Okay?"

"I'm scared, Liam."

"I am too. But we can do this. I know we can." He says, "Okay?"


"Now get some rest. Everything will be okay in the morning."

"What time is it?"

"Almost seven."


"No. Afternoon."

"Have you been awake this whole time?"

"You bet I have."

"And Kevin?"

"Him too." He pauses, "are you and him..."

"Sort of."

"Finally!" He says.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know how long he's liked you for?"

"Yeah... He told me. Have you known this whole time?" He nods.

"Yes, and I've been waiting for you to feel the same way."

"And that's why you told me to not give up on him?" He nods again.

"I knew you would come around."

"And how did you know that?"

"Because I could see it. You and him started changing around each other. It was obvious."

"It was not!" I say, and there was another short pause.

"Have you...?"

"No." I say, almost laughing.

"Okay good, I wouldn't want my baby sister being all wild and crazy."

"You don't have to worry about me." I say. Then we pause for a second, not knowing what else to say. "So you and I don't have the same blood?"

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