16 | cheater

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Anastázia rushed into a small perfume shop, where Klaus had found this Aurora at

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Anastázia rushed into a small perfume shop, where Klaus had found this Aurora at. She busted into the shop and found Klaus holding Aurora in his arms. Stas instantly began to chuckle. "See, this is what we're not going to do." Stas rolled her eyes, then sped over to Aurora and grabbed her throat.

"Who- is- this?" Aurora asked Niklaus as she gasped for air.

Klaus shot her a lopsided smile. "Aurora, meet Anastázia... my twin sister." He laughed.

Aurora began to thrash around under Anastázia's strong grip. "She could be the one, the one that's here to destroy you Klaus! Like the prophecy says, you will all fall one by friend, one by foe and one by family." Aurora exclaimed.

"I will rip your heart out, as you did to my brother, crazy bitch." Stas hissed angrily.

"I will destroy you. You know nothing of me and my skills." Aurora spat.

Stas rolled her eyes from behind her thick sunglasses. "And you know nothing of me as well. And I assure you, I can make you disappear from the face of this earth without anyone noticing. So, try again sweetie. Because this time I am letting you off, but next time... next you you should be aware... that I don't fight fair." Anastázia smirked devilishly.

A wave of a new era washed over Anastázia. She suddenly seemed ready to fight for her family and extremely dangerous if anyone were to ever cross her. Her old morals of never killing anyone seemed to disappear as she realized that because of those morals, she was limited of what she could get. She realized that the fear she unintentionally instilled in people was no longer a bad thing... but a wonderful thing, for now, she had power that no one other than she ever had.

Stas quickly broke the crazy girl's neck. Klaus didn't do anything to help the redhead, for Klaus had already heard enough from her. He knew everything now, why Aurora broke his heart, Elijah's secret, and why Aurora was there. "Let's go, Klaus." Stas barked then exited the shop with her heels clacking loudly against the concrete floors.

Klaus simply obeyed her order and followed her out of the shop, leaving Aurora's temporarily lifeless body to sit there in the abandoned perfume store.

* * *

Michelle had been out of town for the past two days to visit some old friends. She had taken Belle with her to show off her beautiful child to her long lost friends, and of course, Niklaus was informed of this. Michelle had just arrived home with a numerous amount of bags hanging around her neck and the stroller.

Michelle trudged into the Mikaelson compound while struggling to push Belle's stroller into the house. Once she finally managed to accomplish this, she dropped everything she was carrying onto the ground, sighing out in relief.

"That was a long trip, wasn't it, B?" Michelle chuckled while unclipping all of the buckles that secured Belle into the cart.

As she was doing this, she heard faint giggles coming from her and Niklaus' shared bedroom. Michelle furrowed her brows in confusion. She hastily plucked her baby out of the cart and went to investigate. Michelle tiptoed up the stairs then neared the door.

A high pitched, feminine voice echoed through the cracks of the old house from Michelle's bedroom. Michelle scowled as she realized that the voice didn't belong to someone that lived in the house, it belonged to another woman. Michelle hurriedly busted open the door, revealing an entirely naked redheaded woman lying in her bed. Michelle narrowed her eyes and scanned the rest of the room, finding Niklaus standing before a mirror with a regretful look plastered across his face.

"What the hell is this?!" Michelle shouted.

Klaus' eyes widened in shock as he noted Michelle's presence. "It's not what it looks like!" Klaus spurted out the typical sentence a cheater would say when caught.

"It looks like there's another woman in our bed! Are you fucking kidding me, Niklaus? We have a fucking kid together." Michelle scoffed, glaring at him. The redhead (that Michelle was not familiarized with), Aurora's, jaw dropped when she heard that Niklaus had a child with another woman.

"Don't say that in front of her—" Niklaus worried if Belle would pick up such foul language.

Michelle cocked her head angrily. "You slept with another woman, who is still naked may I add, and you're worried about my fucking cussing?!" Michelle was enraged. Anger bubbled up inside of her and her blood seemed to be boiling as her arms shook.

"I— I—" Klaus stammered over his words as he attempted to put some words together to make the entire situation not seem so bad.

"You know what, maybe Anastázia was right all along. Maybe she was right to keep me away from you." Michelle scoffed, suddenly realizing that Stas had been subtly protecting her from the toxic man she knew as Klaus. Michelle instantly spun on her heel and exited the room, grabbing her things with Belle still planted on her hip on her way out of the house. Michelle left Klaus still in shock, everything occurred so quickly that not even he could comprehend what the hell had just happened, but Michelle knew exactly— he was a lying, cheating man that would betray anyone, except his own bloodline of course, for his own benefit.

Michelle wanted vengeance, she wanted to hurt Klaus just as bad as he had just hurt her. And she knew exactly how she was going to do it: she was going to take away his child from him.

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