Chapter 31

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A week later

"Sarah!" I beamed.


"Want food? I'm making Mac n' Cheese!" I implied.

"Sure, I'll have some!" She yelled from the lounge.

"Okay!" I replied.

"Wait! I don't get any frickin Mac n' Cheese?" Brendon yelled from where Sarah was.

"When you get shot in the shoulder and are incapable of making food correctly!" I yelled back.

"How many times are you guys gonna play that card on me?!" He whined. I heard Sarah giggle. She has the cutest giggle.

"How much do you Brendon?" I sighed.

"All of it!" He answered.

"Alright you just blew your chance at Macaroni!" I told him.

"Alright sorry! I'll have whatever's left over!" He added. I smiled and started boiling water. Even on a bus I can cook.

"Wait! Who's watching the food?" Asked Brendon.

"The water's trying to boil, chill Bren!" I laughed.

"So what are you doing?" I asked.

"Watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine." Brendon said, slightly turning up the volume.

"Any of you guys want drinks, I'm going to the kitchen now?" I asked.

"I'll take a water." Sarah requested.

"And I'll have a cup o' coffee!" Brendon smiled.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, you know I can't say no to that damn smile." I giggled.

"That's why I use it!" He sent it again. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked back to the kitchen. The water was on the edge of boiling, so I got Sarah and Brendon what they wanted and went back to cooking.

"Here Sarah, here Brendon." I passed Brendon his coffee and Sarah her glass of water.

"Thank you!" They both said in unison.

"No prob!" I walked back to the kitchen to continue making food. I put in the macaroni and started stirring it.

"Is it almost done?" Brendon whined.

"Patience, key is the Urie." I said.

"Wow, that was a terrible Yoda impression." He informed.

"Thanks for the support dad!" I replied. Brendon laughed and I checked the macaroni. I took a strainer and strained the pasta.

"Almost done!" I announced. Brendon clapped as I added the cheese to the macaroni and placed them in bowls.

"Here! Bon appetite!" I cheered, handing them their bowls of macaroni.

"You speak French?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Oui bien sûr je parle français! Qu'est ce que vous pensez?" I spoke fluently.

"Pfft! You aren't the only one to know french. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi çe soir?" He asked. I cringed and scolded him.

"Do you even f**king now what that means?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"No, but I know it's french because one of the words ends with E-R." He said.

"Brendon! You just asked me if I wanted to sleep with you tonight!" I yelled.

"Ew gross! That's what that means?" He asked, acting as if he had some sort of slime on him.

"Yes, it does, ask Sarah that question, not me!" I lightly slapped his hair.

"S**t, that's soft." I remarked.

"Why thank you! Now can you say more things in French please? This is fun!" Brendon requested.

"Fine, you give me something to say and I translate it into french." I suggested. Brendon clapped as if he were five and Sarah just smiled.

"Umm, what's Panic! At the disco in French?" He asked.

"Something along the lines of Panique! À la discothèque." I answered.

"Cool! What about I love you?" He asked.

"Je t'aime." I responded. Brendon nodded and looked at Sarah.

"Je t'aime! I even said it in the language of love!" He kissed her right after.

"Brendon, you're too sweet!" She giggled.

"Okay, okay! How do you say all of Panic!'s album names in French? Start from oldest to newest." He requested.

"Okay, une fièvre que vous be pouvez pas transpirer. Next one, assez bizzard. Next one, Vices et vertus . Next, trop étrange pour vivre, trop rare pour mourir. And last but not least, my favourite album, la mort d'un bachelier." I told him.

"Whoa, that's some talent there. Any other languages you speak?" He questioned.

"A little bit of Spanish. I can say some swears in Russia and one swear in Italian." I informed.

"Pretty talented kid indeed!" He raised his eyebrow.

"God damn Faelecia! This macaroni is amazing!" Sarah complimented. I smiled and thanked her.

"Try it Brendon!" I ordered. He took a bite and moaned.

"That's good!" He pointed to the bowl with his spoon.

"Obviously! I made it!" We all laughed. "Alright, I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight you two!" I kissed Brendon and then Sarah. They all said goodnight back and I headed to bed.

I love Brendon and Sarah so much!

Adopted By The Uries//B.U & S.UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora