Chapter 22

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I was in the lounge area, just watching '13 reasons why'. Everyone was saying how good it was, and to be honest, they were not wrong.

"Cmon Clay!!! You know better!" I yelled, pointing at the TV and sending it vulgar hand signs. I take my TV watching very seriously. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my Mini Pepsi. Brendon had brought them to cut down on our sugar.

"I heard yelling, is something wrong?" Brendon poked his head out of the door.

"I'm fine, just extremely pissed off!" I shouted, pointing to the TV where to show Brendon that it was making me mad.

"Hmm, thirteen reasons why, good show Faelecia!" He said, coming to watch it with me. We both had our feet on the little glass table as we watched the show that made me want to throw a rock at the TV. Other than that, great show!

"For God's sake!" I flipped off the TV. Brendon laughed and gently pushed my arm down.

"You need to chill, this isn't real," he stated.

"I know, but I need to know what happens!!!" I whined, throwing a classic Brendon hissy fit. He laughed and paused the TV.

"Wanna watch something that'll make you less mad?" He asked. I nodded and he left my show, going on my second favourite show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

"You know me so well!" I smiled, cuddling up to Brendon as he hugged me.

"Of course I do, now let's watch some amazing police officers!" He laughed, and we both watched the comedy show in peace.

"You really helped me get over how frustrated I was!" I smiled. He did too, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I know my daughter very well! Brooklyn Nine-Nine cheers everybody up." We both watched the show, the same show we've seen five times. We like rewatching shows. We heard a knock at the door and both got up. I'm always curious to see who's at the door. Brendon opened the door and a man with black hair and a purple hoodie was standing there.

"Hello sir! I'm Stéphane Teterow, Faelecia's uncle." He causally said.

"What?!" Brendon and I both yelled in unison.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm Faelecia's parent. I signed a paper that said so." Brendon crossed his arms over his chest. Stéphane scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm Faelecia's godfather, it even says so in her birth certificate." He retorted.

"This is insane! I don't even know who you are! My parents never talked about an uncle Stéphane before! I was at that adoption centre for six years! You never came until now! You blew your chance, and I can't help you anymore." I spat, making him knit his eyebrows.

"That's not very nice of a young lady like you to say! I'm gonna have to teach you some manners when we get home." He took my hand and tried pulling me out of the bus.

"No!" Brendon yelled, snatching me out of the mans reach.

"Don't even touch my daughter. You disgust me, now get the hell off my bus!" Brendon yelled. The man rolled his eyes and grabbed me, running off with me. I screamed as loud as I could, getting everybody who was on the bus' attention. Brendon ran after me, and Zack right behind him. Zack tackled the man and Brendon picked me up, running to the bus.

"Dallon! Call the motherf**king police!!!" Brendon ordered. Dallon nodded and took his phone, dialling nine-one-one.

"Hello? We need a police officer at the parking lot of Hirschfeld Theatre. A man tried kidnapping my friend's daughter." Dallon stammered. He hung up the phone and informed us that a police man was in his way. Zack was still outside. He had the man with his arms around his back. When the police came, Zack handed the man off to the police. I   cried in Brendon's arms, extremely scared of what just happened.  

"It's okay Faelecia, you're safe, he's not coming back." Brendon informed me. I nodded but still continued my crying. Sarah came in and we all had a group hug.

"You guys are the best parents ever!" I sobbed even louder. I didn't see them, but I knew them so well to see they were smiling. Zack walked in and went to the lounge area.

"That man was taken to the police station. The cops told me he was under the influence, and they're gonna keep him in prison for the rest of the night." That made me cry even harder. Why the hell did this have to happen to me?

"I want that man to serve a life sentence!" I yelled, not lying about any of that.

"Same!" Brendon agreed. Everyone else in the area agreed with us.

"Don't worry Faelecia, you're safe with us, that man's gone..."

Adopted By The Uries//B.U & S.UTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang