Chapter 4

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The next morning, I woke up and heard someone singing downstairs. I took my phone and checked the time to see that it was almost noon. I got up and put on a black baggy Panic! sweater.

I brushed my hair, because my bed head was terrible, and then went downstairs, meeting with Brendon who had breakfast ready for me on a plate.

"Thanks, Brendon!" I smiled, making him smile too.

I ate on the bar stool as he went and did something in the living room. Once I finished eating, I walked into the living room. Brendon was live on Instagram.

This will be interesting.

I sat beside Brendon on the couch.

"So, as you guys may know, I adopted a child yesterday, and here she is. Presenting, Faelecia Urie!" He smiled, pointing the phone towards me. I pulled a Brendon and made a weird face to the camera, laughing after and introducing myself.

"Let's do a Q and A with her because even I barely know her! Other than the fact that she's allergic to olives." We both laughed. 

The chat started flowing with questions, and I only had time to answer a couple.

"What's it like being Brendon's kid?" I read aloud.

"I don't know, I've only been his kid for a day, but still, the best day of my life. What I'm trying to say is that Brendon is funny and also a great father."

After about an hour of us doing a Q and A, Brendon had to end the live stream because he wanted to invite people over to hang out. He said that I would like who is coming over. 

I wonder who it is.

We both went upstairs and parted ways as we went to our rooms. I got changed in my room into a normal ensemble, and Brendon came out in a normal ensemble too, which was just a t-shirt and jeans. 

We heard a knock at the door and Brendon ran downstairs, opening the door to reveal a pretty lady standing at the door. 

She walked in and smiled when she saw me

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She walked in and smiled when she saw me. 

"Hi, I'm Sarah!" She introduced herself. I smiled and took her hand, shaking it.

"Faelecia, this is Sarah, my secret girlfriend. That means you can't tell anyone, alright? This is a big thing." He said, and I nodded.

"No one is gonna hear a thing about this, but why aren't you going public?" I asked. 

"Sarah's not ready to go public, and I don't think I am. Also, the last time I had a girlfriend, she got hated on, and I don't want that happening to Sarah, so please, never tell anyone until we're ready." He pleaded. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course I'm not gonna tell anyone," I said, making Brendon smile.

"God, you're the best daughter ever!" He said, picking me up and hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"You're the best dad ever!" I smiled, him putting me down. Sarah smiled and I hugged.

"I really hope you become my new mom!" I smiled, making her smile.

"Told you-you would like her." He laughed, causing both of us to laugh. 

Later on in the night, Brendon told me he was too lazy to make food, so I volunteered to make mozzarella sticks. Sarah followed me to the kitchen.

"Hey, chica! Is it fine if I hang out with you? I just want to get to know you better!" She smiled, making me smile.

"Of course you can! Wanna help me make the Mozza sticks?" I asked, making her nod her head. 

Sarah was really nice.

"Alright, I'm gonna google a recipe on my phone," I said, taking it out and searching up a baked mozzarella stick recipe.

"Alright, can you get out some breadcrumbs, mozzarella cheese, two eggs, salt, Italian seasoning, and flour," I said, waiting every ingredient for Sarah to get out. 

"Alright, let's get to work," I said.


"Oh my god, these are amazing!" Brendon said, biting into one of the sticks. He had to pull the stick as far as his arms could go to break the mozzarella. 

"Thanks!" Sarah and I both said in unison, making us laugh.

"Seems you two are really getting along," Brendon commented. 

"Of course we are! Sarah is exactly like me, just older, by like seventeen years, I think." She nodded.

Wow, that was a wild guess.

Well, like I told Brendon, practically twins.

"Well, I'm sorry Brendon, but I gotta go. I'll see you later. You too Faelecia!" She said, gathering her stuff and heading to the door.

"Bye Sarah!" I said. Brendon got up and ran to the door, grabbing Sarah by the waist. She screamed with surprise and then laughed. Brendon placed his hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer, kissing her until she fell, but he had his hand on her back for support. 

"I love you, baby, bye!" Brendon said. Sarah seemed in shock but smiled and left. 

"I win!" He laughed, causing me to laugh.

"You won the who can say goodbye to Sarah better contest." I laughed.

"Yes, and I still won." We both laughed even harder. 

"Brendon, I don't how to say this without being weird, but I, uh..."

"Faelecia, just say it, I won't get mad." He took my hands and looked down on me, only because I was a little shorter than he was.

"I-I love you!"

Adopted By The Uries//B.U & S.UWhere stories live. Discover now