"Hunter Zolomon? Are... Are you sure?" Harry asks and we turn to look at him.

"Yeah, why?" Caitlin asks.

"Well, because on my earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer." Harry says as he types something on his meta-human tracker and a news article from Earth-2 appears on the monitor. We all, apart from Harry, look at the picture in shock as we see Jay have long blonde hair and a long blonde beard along with a crazy look in his eyes. "That's Jay?" Caitlin asks as she looks at the article in shock. "No, that is Hunter. Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon. Instantly recognizable to people from my earth. On my earth, serial killers  are an anomaly, so a lot of media  attention to this... There was a podcast" Harry says. "When Hunter was 11, his father killed his mother right in front of him. Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system." Harry continues to say. "Years later, he was convicted on 23 counts of murder?" Barry reads the article and I widen my eyes. "23? That's, like, some real Hannibal Lecter-type level." Cisco says and I nod in agreement. "After the trial, Hunter was sent to  the St. Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Given daily electroshock therapy to cure him of his urges, and then faded from view." Harry says.

"Until the night your particle accelerator exploded." Caitlin says.

"That's right. The dark matter crept into the mental asylum. I'd thought piping the explosion underground would limit exposure. I was wrong, all it did was create an unstoppable monster." Harry says.

"He's not unstoppable." Barry says and I look up at him. "Jay doesn't know that we know who he really is. He thinks that his past is a secret."

"So?" I ask him.

"I think I have an idea of how we can stop him." Barry says.


After Barry had told us his idea, he and Cisco would open the breach, we would all hide in the time vault until Barry was able to stop him. "Are you sure Jay can't get in here?" Iris asks Harry as we walk in. "Pretty sure. But just in case..." Harry says as he holds up the gun and gives it to Joe. "How do you use this?" Joe asks Harry as he stares at the gun. "Alright , so you aim it and then you pull the trigger." Harry says and I try to hold in a laugh at the response. "Smart-ass." Joe says and I roll my eyes as I look at Iris. "Barry and Cisco are in position." she says as she, Caitlin, and I stare at the tablet in her hands. "Let's hope this thing works." Caitlin says and I nod in agreement. "Be careful, Bar." I mutter under my breath. We then watch as we see the two Speedsters speed through the city. "Zoom's gaining on Barry." I say as I look at the tablet and bite my lip. "He can't catch him." Joe says. "Better not." Harry says and I nod in agreement. We suddenly see Zoom get close to Barry, then Barry accelerates his speed as he activates the speed enhancer. "That was close." Joe says as we watch. "Too close." I say as I continue watching. "The tachyon device is working." Caitlin says and I nod.

"Yeah. Here they come." Harry says as he and Joe take position in front to the vault door and aim the guns at it.

I look back at the tablet seeing the two Speedsters head straight for S.T.A.R. Labs. "They're here." I say and Iris, Caitlin, and I stare at Joe and Harry. We watch them head to the basement where we had trained Linda. We see them speed around only for Zoom to stop when the cardboard cutout of his father appeared in front of him. Barry then punched him and I smiled as I watched. "It's working." I say as I look at Iris and Caitlin. Barry speeds away, and Zoom was about to chase him, when he was stopped by a cardboard cutout of his mother. Barry then shoots the boot at Zoom and it zaps him. Once Zoom was on his knee, Barry takes his mask off showing Jay, but his real name being Hunter. Barry pushes him down as Hunter stares at Barry, "How did you figure out who I was?" Hunter asks Barry as he takes his mask off. "You made a mistake. You told Caitlin who your doppelganger was." Barry tells him as the five of us watch the tablet. "I had to do something to get her to stop trying to fix me. She's a smart girl." Hunter says and Barry chuckles. "And that I was Zoom?" he asks Barry again. "The Velocity-Nine. When you run fast enough, it turns a speedster's lightning blue." Barry says to him.

"We would've helped you. We would've done anything we could to save your life." Barry tells him.

"Not everything." Hunter says.

"Caitlin found you a cure!"

"A temporary one! I'm dying, Barry! There's only one thing that can give me what I need."

"And you just don't care  how many lives you destroy tryin' to get it? How many people you kill?" Barry yells angrily, something I hadn't seen in a while.

"No, I don't! That feeling was taken from me a long time ago."

Barry stands up and turns to walk away from Hunter, "We're not so different, you know. What happened to us when we were kids?" Hunter says and Barry turns to face him. "You could've just as easily become me." Hunter says to him. "No. I'd never become like you." Barry says to him with a glare. "I gotta say..." Hunter says as he stands up, "... that was smart using my parents against me." he continues to say and he sighs. "Family. Such a weakness." Hunter says to Barry. "Not for all of us." Barry says to him. "Well, that's where you're wrong. It's time I get what I came for." Hunter says and Barry chuckles. "You're not getting anything from me. You're not getting anything from anybody ever again. On any earth." Barry tells him. Hunter mutters something under his breath that seemed to be inaudible for us to hear. "What did you say?" Barry asks him. "You can't lock up the darkness." Hunter says in Zoom's voice as his eyes turned pitch black and blue lightning surrounded him. Hunter vibrates his hand and breaks the boot off of his leg, then speeds out. Barry then speeds after him, but I know that Hunter was long gone from here.

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