Chapter 4

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"Now that I got my revenge, I have to help you get yours, right?" I asked and Sasuke only nodded.

"Which team member are we getting first?" I continued.

"The closest one, of course," he scoffed, as if it was obvious. We walked in silence to a nearby base that was used mostly for experiments and lab rats. We reached it the next day and entered it easily. We walked down the corridors past many tubes full of water and dead test subjects. Once we reached the designated tube, a voice spoke to us.

"That fact that you two are here must mean you killed Orochimaru," the voice remarked and I nodded as Sasuke unsheathed his sword.

"That's right...but never mind that, let's get you out of there," I replied and Sasuke sliced open the tube, letting water spill out of it. A body emerged from the water.

"Free at last...thanks, Sasuke, Hotaru," he thanked.

"Suigetsu, you're the second after Hotaru. Come with me," Sasuke told the figure as he stood up.

"Me second! Meaning there are others afterwards?" he asked and fully stood up. He was completely naked, so I turned my head while blushing in embarrassment.

"Two others. Jugo from the Northern hideout and Karin from the Southern hideout," I replied and coughed awkwardly.

"Are you sure about that?" Suigetsu asked. Sasuke glared at him.

"What is it? Is there a problem?" he spat.

"Nothing...just that I don't like them. I can't get along with them, at least, that's what I think. Sure, you picked me, but I wonder about choosing those two, Sasuke?"

"Enough with your complaints. Hurry up and put on your clothes, you should be respectful in front of a woman," Sasuke said, dismissing Suigetsu's thoughts. He started laughing.

"So now you're ordering me around like some kind of big shot, eh? Let me clarify the relationship between you and chose to rescue me, but that doesn't mean I'll follow you. You defeating Orochimaru doesn't mean you're better than me. Everyone was after him, but you two, being his pets, weren't imprisoned like I was. You had more chances to kill him than we did," Suigetsu threatened.

During this whole speech, he had appeared between Sasuke and I. He had pointed his index fingers at us. To most, this is foolish and wouldn't harm us in any way, however...this was Suigetsu. His fingers could turn into a bullet of water that shot our brains out. After a while of tenseness, he chuckled.

"Gotcha, just kidding," he laughed and stepped away from us. "But I let you go just now, so that makes us even. I'm free at last, so I'm gonna do what I want."

"I see...that's unfortunate," Sasuke replied and we started walking our separate ways. We walked out of the hideout in search of the other members. While we walked, we came across a puddle in the middle of the road. Suigetsu popped out of it.

"By the way, wasn't it your team that brought down Zabuza Momochi, my senpai?" he asked and started swimming in the large puddle. My eyes slightly widened at this. Zabuza Momochi...I forgot about him. That was the day I unlocked my Hoshigan and was almost killed. That must've happened around four years ago, right?

"But I wonder...what happened to his blade, the Executioner's Blade? How about this; if you tell me where the blade is and I get it, then I'll be willing to help you," Suigetsu proposed this deal and swam towards us, his purple orbs glistening in excitement. Sasuke started walking past him.

"Put on some clothes," he replied emotionlessly. I sighed and followed behind him. After Suigetsu finally put on his clothes, we made our way to the Land of Waves. I haven't visited it since that time when we were Genin, and it was definitely different. The bridge we fought to protect was finished and given the name "The Great Naruto Bridge."

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