Finale: Am I Enough Pt.2

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*In walks Jin*

Jin: "Jimin what the hell is going on??? Why is Kookie acting all pissy?"

Jimin: "Um..we're kinda in a he left and I can't get a hold of him.."

*Jin face palms himself and he sighs*

Jin: "Jimin...what did you do?"

*Jimin is trying not to seem nervous since Yoongi is still under the bed hiding*

Jimin: "I-I just...just told him about what happened with Yoongi and he got a little upset.."

Jin: " just told him? Today? JIMIN! You were suppose to tell him yesterday!"

Jimin: "I know! I was going to but he had a surprise for me in the room so..I couldn't.."

*As Yoongi lays under the bed trying to be quiet, he felt himself having to sneeze. He tried to hold his breath but it didn't work. As Jin hears the sneeze he freezes*

Jin: "Um...what was that?"

*Jimin tries to play it off*

Jimin: "What was what?"

Jin: "Jimin...the sneeze..who sneezed???"

Jimin: "I don't know what your talking about.."

*Jin walks closer to toward Jimin whose in front of the bed. He could tell Jimin was nervous. He looked down at the bed then back up at Jimin*

Jin: "Please tell me...that there is no one under your bed mochi.."

*Jimin can't find his words. Jin goes and looks under the bed and sees Yoongi*

Jin: "Oh my gosh! Jimin are you fucking kidding me???? Why is Yoongi in your room let alone under your bed? And your damn near naked!"

*Yoongi crawls from out under the bed with a slight look of guilt on his face*

Jimin: "It's not what you think I swear, he just came to show me a song and he-"

*As Jimin tries to explain himself, they all heard someone unlocking the door. They immediately froze. Especially when they see who it is...*

Jimin: "Kookie..."

*When Kookie walks in and sees Jin and Yoongi...he couldn't hold back his feelings. He was immediately pissed off again when he saw Yoongi*

Kookie: "What the hell is going on???"

Jimin: "Kookie! Oh my god I swear it's not wh-"

Kookie: "Why the hell is he in our room!?!?"

Jimin: "He came to show me the song we worked on Kookie thats it I promise..."

*Yoongi rolled his eyes and he looked at the floor*

Kookie: "So he just so happened to come while I was gone? Thats pretty ironic..."

Jin: "Kookie it's not what it looks like..."

*Jin looks at Jimin and Yoongi*

Jin: "Me and Yoongi came together, we kind of heard you two arguing so we wanted to check on Mochi and also let him hear the song. That's all.."

*Kookie looks at Jimin in his eyes*

Kookie: "Is that what happened...?"

*Jimin nods*

Kookie: "Fine. Can you guys give us a minute..?"

*Both Jin and Yoongi nod as they quickly walk out of the room. Kookie keeps looking at Jimin*

Kookie: "I love you Mochi..I swear I do. But I'm not going to be a backup or a second choice. If you love Yoongi, then please don't toy with my emotions. Be honest with me."

Jimin: "Kookie I swear I-"

Kookie: "Jimin...I'm going to ask you this question. I'm only asking it this one last time. Does ANY part of you still want to be with Yoongi...?"

*Jimin gulps. He slowly walks towards Kookie*

Jimin: "Kookie..a part of me will always love Yoongi. He was my first love. But I can honestly say that I completely want to be with you, and only you..."

Kookie: "Promise me..."

Jimin: "I promise..."

*Jimin slowly runs his hand through Kookie's hair*

Jimin: "Is there any way we can start over Kookie? I want us to go back to how we were...I miss that"

Kookie: "We can work on it...but for a while I need you to promise me you won't be alone with Yoongi. At all."

Jimin: "I promise."

*Jimin takes Kookie's hand and walks him to the bed. He takes off Kookie's jacket and his shoes. He lays him down and lays next to him. As they cuddle themselves to sleep Jimin was waken up by his phone. He saw that he had a text message. He slowly picks up his phone and sees who it was*


Yoongi: "Chim chim...I know things are hard right now for you. But we can't deny the love between us. I will respect you and Kookie together if that's ultimately what you want. I just want you to be happy...I love you"

*Jimin once again is confused. He knows Kookie loves him and wants to be with him. He also knows that Yoongi STILL loves him and wants to be with him. As much as he knows Kookie is the easier choice, the risk from dating Yoongi is something that draws him in. He doesn't want to be hurt again but he also doesn't want to hurt either one of them. He knows he has to choose is he going to do it? Suddenly he gets an's risky...but it just might work...*

That is the end of the of the Finale! That cliffhanger though! Do not worry, Vol. 2 is on the way soon! You have not seen nothing yet! But while we wait for Vol.2 make sure you check out my JiHope story to help you pass the time. Make sure you leave a vote and a comment and let me know what you think will happen next! Until next time 💋👋🏾


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