Chapter Seven: I'm In Some Deep Shit

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"Jimin: Jin...I'm in some deep shit..."


"MamaJin🤗: Aww hell Jimin...what did you do???"


"Jimin: I didn't do anything...but I'm afraid that I will..."


"MamJin🤗: 😒..."


"Jimin: Look, today I stayed a little late after rehearsal to help Yoongi work on one of his songs and...he told me that he knows about me and Kookie. I feel like he's trying to mess with me but after thinking about it..I'm not sure. I am so fucking confused and I need help. The last thing I want to do is hurt Kookie...I love him."


"MamaJin🤗: Ok just calm down ok. Look tmrw we can go to breakfast and try to find a solution. Want me to bring NamJoon?"


"Jimin: Yeah, that's fine."

*As Jimin is in the shower he goes into deep thought about this crazy situation he suddenly found himself in. As he slowly rubs shampoo through his hair he thinks about everything he and Kookie have been through together. The cheating, the lies, the miscommunication...everything. Even though they had some downs...the ups definitely outweighed them. He wanted to be with Kookie, that was clear. But even though he felt that Yoongi played with his feelings for literally the 1000th time, he couldn't help but acknowledge that there were still some feelings there that he never dealt with. As he rinses off his hair and his body he gets out the shower and dries off. He throws on some shorts and a T-shirt. When he walks back into the room he tries to act likes he really tired so that Kookie won't try to get intimate again*

Jimin: *yawns*

Kookie: "You ok Mochi?"

Jimin: "Yeah...just real tired. Rehearsal really wore me out today."

Kookie: "Aww, well come here...I'll cuddle you to sleep"

*Jimin lightly smiles as he climbs into bed laying next to Kookie. He lays his head on his chest as Kookie wraps his arm around him. Kookie kisses his forehead as they eventually fall asleep*

*Next Morning*:

*Jimin wakes up still cuddled up next to Kookie. Before he gets up to go to the bathroom, he gives Kookie a light peck on the cheek. He goes to brush his teeth as he hears his phone vibrate on the night stand. He checks it and sees...*

"MamaJin🤗:We're at the Denny's around the corner"


"Jimin: Ok, I'm getting ready now. "


*Once Jimin finishes brushing his teeth he starts to wash his face. As he rinses his face, Jimin jolted as he feels arms being wrapped around his waist and someone kissing the back of his neck. Of course it was Kookie. His plan to go and meet Jin before Kookie woke up has completely failed*

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