Chapter Four: Old Habits Die Hard Pt.1

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*After Kookie gets out of the shower and gets dressed, he and Jimin grab their work out bags and drive down to rehearsal. Kookie noticed, even though he thought he and Jimin made up, that Jimin was quiet the whole ride. Jimin was just on his phone the whole time. As they pull up infront of the dance studio, Kookie looks over at Jimin, who still looks a little sulky, and asked him...*

Kookie: "Are we...ok?"

*Jimin looks over back at Kookie*

Jimin: "Yes, we're ok." * He says with a smile*

*Kookie looks around to make sure no one is watching them. Once he sees the coast is clear, he lightly rubs his fingers on Jimin's chin and gives him a passionate kiss. As Jimin kisses him back he forgets that they are literally right infront of the studio. He gently pushes Kookie off once he comes back to reality*

Jimin: "Easy Kookie (lol) we can't do this here. The chance is too big that we'll get caught"

*Kookie pouts a little but he understands. They both get out of the car trying to look like what just happened...didn't happen.*

Jimin: "Hey I'm going to run to the bathroom for a second ok, I'll meet you in there"

*Kookie nods as he walks into the dance studio. After Jimin is done using the bathroom he looks himself in the mirror and noticed that he has a stain on the front of his joggers from earlier. Wink wink*

Jimin: "Shit!"

*He grabs a paper towel and puts some water and soap on it. He rubs it furiously on the stain to try to get rid of it. He suddenly hears the door open*

Jimin: "I told you that I will be out there in a second" *He says as he chuckles*

*He looks up into the mirror and sees someone completely unexpected. His mouth just falls open leaving him completely lost for words*

Jimin: "Yoongi...your here early..."

Yoongi: "Yea. I've been here all night...y'know...working on my mixtape and stuff."

Jimin: "Oh ok..."

*Yoongi can tell that Jimin's demeanor was a little nervous. Being the Yoongi we all know and love, he had to mess with Jimin a little bit*

Yoongi: "So have you been lately?"

*He says while walking closer to Jimin. Jimin starts to slowly ease away as Yoongi gets closer to him.*

Jimin: "Um I've been pr-pretty good"

Yoongi: "That's good, anything new with you?"

*Jimin jumped as he realized Yoongi completely backed him against the wall*

Jimin: "N-no no-nothing too new..."

*Yoongi smirks. Knowing that Jimin stutters when he's nervous made him chuckle. He always thought that was so cute*

Yoongi: " You okay? Your um...stuttering. Are you...nervous?"

*Yoongi slowly moves closer and closer to Jimin's face as he bites his bottom lip. He can feel Jimin's breathing going more heavy the closer he gets. All Jimin could do was look at Yoongi biting his lip. He feels his body trembling. He doesn't know what to do. He didn't even understand why he was feeling this way. He and Yoongi barely talked since their break up. As Yoongi got closer and closer, he suddenly hears the door open*

Jimin: "JIN!" *He gasps*

*Jin walks into the bathroom, he's completely shocked. He raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms. He can't believe what he's seeing right now considering how Jimin JUST told him and NamJoon about him and Kookie that day*

Jimin: "Hey um, can I talk to you for a second??"

*As Yoongi smirked, Jimin quickly squeezes past him and grabs Jin's wrist. He pulls Jin outside and tries to explain himself*

Jimin: "Jin let me explain ok...that wasn't what it looked like.."

Jin: "You sure? It looked like you and Yoongi were about to 'reminisce' on old times. Jimin what are you doing??? Aren't you with Kookie!"

*Jimin starts to panic*

Jimin: "Keep your voice down...yes I'm with Kookie. That wasn't what it looked like. I was in the bathroom and Yoongi just came in and it ju-"

*Jin cuts him off*

Jin: "Jimin...Yoongi was damn near less than a millimeter away from kissing you and you just stood there as if that's what you wanted to happen"

Jimin: "That's ridiculous"

Jin: "Well it didn't look like you were trying to move"

Jimin: "Jin I froze. We barely talked since we broke up. I-I guess I was a little...surprised.."

Jin: "The words your looking for is 'turned on'"

Jimin: "That's ridiculous. I love Kookie and I would never do that to him. It's not like I can just tell Yoongi to leave me alone. We work together. Plus I still don't know when Kookie will be ready to tell everyone about us."

Jin: "Well you have to do something because...I got a feeling this isn't going to end well..."

*Jimin sighs as he fixes his hat*

Jimin: "I'll handle it.."

*Jin looks at Jimin and sighed. They both walked back into the studio and began rehearsal. As they were practicing the dance for Blood Sweat and Tears, Kookie kept noticing Yoongi looking at Jimin. He slowly felt himself getting agitated. He was able to keep his composure. He knew after rehearsal he would have to say something*

That's the end of Chapter Four. Something tells me Jin is right...I don't know if this is going to end well. Will Jimin tell Kookie about he and Yoongi's interaction in the bathroom? What would you do? Leave a comment and let me know! See you next time. 💋👋🏾


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