Giving the picture one last glance, she shut the box and grabbed herself a sweater from her closet then headed downstairs once she heard the doorbell ring.


Samantha narrowed her eyes wondering who were the guys surrounding seeing as how they were all in a circle.

"No touching."

"No kissing."

"No sex."

She scoffed then pushed Dylan and Tyler aside to let her in the circle. Samantha saw Jacob awkwardly glancing at everyone until his eyes met her which sent a sigh of relief to him. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

"You look-"

"What did I say?" Frankie warned him.

She shook her head,"Ignore him or them." Jacob smiled at her when she saw her glare daggers at Frankie who stuck his tongue out.

"No smiling either," Derek added.

Samantha rolled her eyes,"Anything else Dad?"

"Ignore them Sammy. You two go have fun."

"But not too much fun," Frankie added to Dylan's sentence.

"I expect her to be back by ten on the dot," Dylan informed Jacob who nodded his head.

"Will do." With that, the two had walked out of the house without hesitation.

"Thank god," Jacob breathed out.

She laughed at him,"Come on Black they can't be that bad."

"How do you stand them?" He asks as he opened the door to the passenger seat letting Samantha in. She simply shrugged her shoulders not really having an answer for that. Soon enough he came in and started the ignition and took off to where he knew Samantha hasn't been to for awhile.


As she was about to rest her eyes seeing as how she has been in the car for about half an hour or maybe an hour, her eyes had widen as she saw where they were at.

"You didn't," she said to Jacob who was trying his best to not smile at the reaction he had given her.

"I did," he replied as he saw that he was in the right place. He had brought her to the fair which was something he remembered she always loved going to.

Once they found parking they both had gotten out of the car however Samantha ran to where Jacob was at and jumped on him. Her legs were around his waist while her arms were on his neck. As for Jacob he simply laughed at her sudden excitement but nonetheless he wrapped his arms around her waist.

After Samantha had gotten herself off of Jacob, he intertwined their hands and began to walk to the entrance "Come on beautiful."


"Eat this Black!" Samantha slammed her foot down on the gas of the bumper car and drove to where Jacob was at but he moved his bumper car out of the way which caused her to hit the wall.

"Oops," Jacob smirked as he heard Samantha groan loudly in frustration.

"You wanna know what-" She reversed then turned her car around and was about to slam into him but the bell rang which signified that the ride was over.

Imprints ◦ Jacob Black [1]Where stories live. Discover now