Feelings can be a tricky thing

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As we danced, I heard someone ask, "Mind if I cut in?"

We stopped, and there was Zack dressed in a suit.

"No, go ahead," Lucas said, handing me over to Zack.

Zack took me in his arms and started to dance with me. As we danced, he looked into my eyes and said, "You look beautiful tonight, Gracie."

"Thanks, Zack. So, where are the other two stooges?" I asked, looking around the dance.

He twirled me around to show me Tony and Sean standing over to the side with Lucas. They both had suits on, too. They waved at me with a smile on their face. They're such goobers.

I looked at Zack. "Since when did you attend dances?"

"Since you did," Zack said.

I gave him a look as Zack twirled me out, then pulled me back to him.

"Isn't this going overboard with being overprotective?" I questioned.

"Maybe, but maybe not," Zack said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I'm not here because I'm overprotective. I'm here because you are," Zack said.

"What are you saying, Zack?" I questioned.

Zack twirled me again. "I'm saying what I said. I'm here because of you. You're smart. Figure it out."

We danced, and I gave what Zack said some thought until it hit me. No, it can't be. Can it? But Zack is my best friend.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think she gets it," Zack said.

I looked at Zack. "There's no way."

We stopped dancing, and Zack let go of me. He looked at me. "Is it so hard to believe that maybe I have feelings for you?"

"But you are my best friend along with the other guys!" I said, incredulously.

"And?" Zack asked.

"That's crazy," I yelled as I started to walk away until Zack grabbed my hand. I looked at him, and he pulled me to him, placing a hand on the side of my face and leaning in, bringing his lips to my lips. My heart started to race, and butterflies filled my stomach as I felt his soft lips against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Well, it's about damn time," Tony said.

"Thanks for doing this, Lucas," Sean said.

"Even if I wasn't gay, I had a feeling there was more to those two, then what they knew," Lucas reasoned.

Zack pulled back, and I swear I was in a daze.

"Now, is it so crazy?" Zack asked me.

"Nope," I grinned, making Zack grin. He pulled me back into his arms, and we continued dancing. Who would have ever thought that one of my childhood best friends would like me like that? I didn't, that's for sure.

We walked over to the other guys who were standing near the punch bowl. Zack slid his hand into mine, interlocking our fingers. I have to say this felt so right.

"It took you long enough," Tony said to Zack.

"Eh, bite me," Zack shot back, making Tony chuckle.

"You guys knew?" I asked with a look.

The three of them looked at each other and grinned as they all said, "Yep."

"So, you plan to set this up?" I asked Lucas.

"Well, when the guys told me Zack was looking for a way to show you how he felt, I figured what better way than to do it here," Lucas said.

It surprised me. I looked at Zack. "Why didn't you ask me to the dance?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Zack said to me. "But I do know that I want to dance with you again."

I couldn't help but smile, well, that was until Marco rudely interrupted our moment.

"Aw, would you look at this? It's such a nice moment. Too bad that I will ruin it," Marco smirked.

"Marco goes away," I said in a huff.

"Now, what fun would that be? Anyway, I'm not here for you," Marco said.

"What are you talking about, Marco?" I asked irritated.

"It seems the captain here is hiding a little secret, and I know how you feel about secrets," Marco said with a devilish smile. Oh, god, not now.

I looked at Lucas, and he glared at Marco. It wasn't the time or place. I looked at the guys and said nothing as Tony hauled off, hitting Marco before he opened his big mouth, knocking him out cold.

Tony and Sean picked him up quickly as teachers made their way over to us. "What's going on here?"

"There's too much excitement. Marco passed out," Zack said.

"Yeah, we were taking Marco home," Sean said.

"Why is his nose bleeding?" One teacher demanded.

"It happens when Marco gets overly excited," I lied.

"Well, we better get Marco home," the guys said as the teachers watched us leave. Well, that was until we heard the annoying sound of what sounded like fingernails on the chalkboard. We stopped and turned to see the Barbie bitches, fantastic.

"Stop! They're lying," Missy yelled.

The teachers looked at us as Missy continued. "We saw that thug hit that poor guy for no reason at all," Missy said with a pouty face. What the fuck?

I walked over to Missy. "Go away."

"Yeah, I don't think so. See, you don't have Daddy here to protect you," Missy smirked.

Ugh, she was right. Damn it. Note to self, if you will toss a name around, make sure they are available.

"What do you want, Missy?" I asked through gritted teeth.

Missy leaned in and whispered something in my ear. "You give me, Zackie, and I will let you guys leave."

"Why would I do that?" I questioned.

"Because if you don't, I will tell everyone your friend's dirty little secret, and I'll make sure your other friend here gets suspended or better yet, expelled," Missy whispered back to me.

"You wouldn't?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.

"Oh, but I would," Missy said, narrowing her eyes and letting a smile creep upon her face.

I was thinking, staying home wasn't such a bad idea. I looked at Missy and sighed. "Fine, you win. Zack's all yours."

I walked over to Zack and looked him in the eyes. "We can't do this. You belong with Missy."

"Gracie!" Zack exclaimed.

"No, Zack! It's over!" With that, I walked away.

"Well," the teacher asked.

"I was wrong. I saw nothing," Missy said casually.

"Very well, take this young man home," the teacher said, and they left.

I walked home from the dance, knowing I had to break Zack's heart to save the other guys, which sucked. I came in, and Mom and Dad asked how the dance went.

"It was okay. I'm tired, so I'm going to bed," I said, giving my parents both a kiss and leaving them utterly confused. The night started enjoyably and ended lousy, FML.

The one time when I think things are going my way, they turn and go the other way. Love is so fickle.

A Touch of Grace✔️ (Wattpad version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat