chapter 11

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Scruffy ran in his sleep until he ended up rolling himself away and hit the pen which woke him up and he looked around to see that the sun was coming up as the rooster crowed.

"Someone turn off the rooster." Dot groaned.

"Guys, you gotta see this!" Mismagius said as she was floating next to Charlotte's web.

"What is it?" Teddy yawned.

"This baby right here!" Mismagius pointed up.

The pets and Pokemon soon woke up and looked up to Charlotte's web as it read aloud 'SOME PIG'.

"Cool." The Pokemon smiled.

The farm hand came by and then dropped his bucket in shock once he saw the web. "I-I'm seeing things... M-M-Mr. Zuckerman!" he then called out. "MR. ZUCKERMAN!"

Viola and Tech smiled as they revealed to be asleep in her childhood bed together and appeared to be cuddling despite her being a human and him being a coyote.

"Good morning, Beautiful." Tech smiled at Viola once he woke up.

Viola smiled up to him, but they both then winced as they heard yelling outside.

'What's that?" Tech groaned.

"Must be Lurvy." Viola replied.

"Well, we better find out why he is yelling." Tech said.

Viola put on her robe and hid Tech in a coat so her parents wouldn't see him as a coyote just yet. Homer came out with his daughter and the skimpy man outside pointed to the web.

"Do you see what I see?!" Lurvy pointed to the words in the spider's web.

"No way." Viola said.

"Some Pig?" Homer read aloud.

"You don't suppose that spider--" Edith spoke up in shock.

"Edith, what we have is a blessing," Homer replied. "We have a very unusual pig."

"We sure do." Viola smiled.

"I'd say you're way off," Edith replied. "It seems to me we have no ordinary spider."

Viola came closer and observed Charlotte. "No, but it's a very extraordinary grey spider, Ma."

Tech soon appeared in his human disguise.

"We must share this with our friends." Edith decided before she went inside to call her friends about the magnificent spider's web.

"This might even get put on the front page of the newspaper." Tech said.

"That's what I'm hopin' for." Viola smiled as she then went to call her friends as Edith called hers.

It didn't take long until nearly everyone came to Zuckerman's Farm to check out the spider web featuring Wilbur.

"Wow, that was fast." Tech said.

Fern and the others were soon coming over. Also as Tech predicted, Wilbur was on the front page of the local newspaper. Wilbur didn't let the fame get to his head despite being a major hot topic now, but he did love that he wasn't going to be killed anytime soon now. And where the exercise from Akito was also helping.

Soon enough, everybody moved on from Wilbur's fame and moved onto something else which meant that Wilbur could have a normal life again and this actually made him happy. This meant that he could be with his real friends again. Even Mrs. Fussy had a change of heart and allowed Henry to visit Wilbur with Fern after the two have been getting very close lately. And where Mr. Zuckerman continued to try to fatten up Wilbur enough for him to be killed, but with Akito's exercise helping Wilbur stay in shape, that wasn't possible.

Akito and Estelle's Adventures of Charlotte's WebWhere stories live. Discover now