Side Tale 5

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Hello~ So for today's side tale, its about Leo and Celeste. Find out what disaster--I-I mean fun activity, awaits....

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The boys were coming back to the lair after another night of patrol. Leo was in front, while his brothers were lagging behind. 

"We kicked some major Purple Dragon tail tonight, bros!" Mikey grinned. 

"You got your shell kicked most of the time," Donnie smirked. 

"Hey~!" Raph laughed as Mikey whined. They were walking through the turnstiles, when they noticed Celeste and Lennon in the kitchen. 

"Hey Celeste," Leo greeted. Mikey then sniffed the air.

"Mm~whatcha making?" 

"Its Italian-style Beef Stew," Lennon stated, "and a small Margherita pizza. Celeste thought you four should try new foods other than New York pizza." Celeste pulled out the pizza and set it on the stove. She then served the beef stew, and gave each of them a plate. 

"Try the stew first," Lennon encouraged. Mikey poked his food, Donnie raised his brow-line, Raph gave a questioning look. 


"OW!" They rubbed their heads as Celeste gave a firm look. 

"Come on, guys," Leo ate some, "its pretty good..." The three dug in, and their faces lit up. 

"Mm~...this is delicious," Donnie grinned. 

"Not bad," Raph smirked.

"I didn't think it would taste so good," Mikey hummed. 

"And now, the Margherita pizza. Enjoy boys!" Lennon gave them a slice. Mikey was amazed by its flavors.

"Dude~I think I'm in heaven~" Celeste smiled as she ate. Once they were done, Celeste was grabbing the empty dishes. Mikey sighed happily.

"That was the best dinner I ever had." 

"Celeste...let me help you." Leo grabbed the plates as they went to wash them. Celeste turned to Lennon.

[Leo and I can clean up. Can you organize my journals?]

"Of course. I was just heading over there." Lennon walked away. With his brothers gone, Leo stayed to clean up with Celeste.

"Thanks for the meal. It was great." Leo smiled at her as she nodded. Minutes later, they were done drying them off. Celeste wrote in her notepad.

[Sorry if I took up your time helping me.]

"That's okay. I don't mind." She patted his head. 

[I'll finish up here. Go to sleep. You'll need your for training, remember?]

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