Episode 1

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Hey guys. I hope you like this first part. Enjoy~....


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New York City.

This city has come up against many villains, aliens and other monsters lurking in the dark. However, their rein of terror was vanquished by others shadows of the night; the ninja turtles and the allies they've come across. As of now, the heroes were in their lair resting, but they would soon come across another evil emerging itself to the city once again. In the sewers, Leonardo, Donatello, April and Michelangelo were in the main room. Donnie, April and Mikey looked bored as they watched Leo fanboy over a lost Space Heroes Show. Suddenly, they heard Raphael and Casey come in. They had bruises in injuries everywhere. 

"What happened to you guys?" April asked. 

"We were on our way back from patrolling the city," Raph grunted, "when we saw this crazy-robed looking guy about to perform what looked like a sacri--"

"So Casey Jones and his sidekick gave him a chase," Casey interrupted, "we tried to corner the dude, but he escaped at the last second."

"Escaped," Raph frowned, "clearly they kick our butts to clean, but--whatever! There were way more of them than us."

"What the heck were they," Leo asked, "human--robot--mutant...?"

"Kangaroo-men?" Mikey gave his usual goofy look.

"Whatever they were, they were faster--and way stronger...even by my standards and that's saying something."

"My security sensors picked up more homeless people in the sewers," Donnie added, "at least, I think they were homeless..."

"If these creatures are performing weird sacrifices, then we need to do something about it."

Meanwhile, the very creatures that were mentioned were in an underground cavern, surrounded by their kind as they looked upon their leader. 

"Children...heed my words. We are close at hand to bringing about his return...but we must find the scroll of the demo dragon. With it, we will be able to summon a mighty being, who has the power to bring forth the master himself. It waits for us in this city...so bring the scroll...do not fail me!"

>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>

Down in the sewers, everyone had just finished putting up motion detectors, that would sense anything within a five-mile radius. Just then, Leo picked up one of the sensors going off.

"Woah, one of the sensors is picking up something. Mikey, let's go!"

"Dude...shouldn't we wait for the guys?" Mikey asked through the tunnel.

"There's no time. We can handle this." They followed the sensors, and to their luck it led right to three of them. Soon enough they saw those creatures climb into a building. They looked down at them through the round skylight. One of the creatures grabbed a scroll as the others chanted. 

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