The Barbie dolls strike, again

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Sean tossed Tony a carton.

"Did you get any chocolate?" Lucas asked.

Sean tossed Lucas the chocolate.

"Toss me the strawberry," Zack said, which Sean did.

"I guess that leaves cookies and cream for us, Gracie," Sean said as he squeezed in between Tony and me, then handed me a spoon. I dug into the carton.

"Feel better?" Zack asked, taking a bite of ice cream.

I shrugged.

"It'll be okay," Tony said.

"You don't know that," I mumbled.

"Well, considering Lucas almost made Missy bald, I think things will be fine," Sean said.

"You didn't," I said to Lucas.

"Yep, I did," Lucas said.

"Thank you," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Anytime," Lucas told me.

"You know for two people that are madly in love. You sure don't act like it," Tony said.

Shit, I forgot about our arrangement.

I looked at Lucas, and he shrugged as the guys looked at us until Lucas told them, "I'm gay."

The guys stared at Lucas with how casual he was about it.

"Seriously?" Sean asked.

"Yeah," Lucas said, shoving a spoon of chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

"Are you sure? Because you don't act gay," Tony said.

I smacked Tony on the head, "Ow. What was that for?" Tony asked, rubbing his head.

"For being an insensitive ass," I said.

"It's fine, Gracie," Lucas assured me.

"No, it's not," I said to Lucas.

"How does someone act when they're gay? I'm curious," Sean asked Tony as Zack, and I looked at each other and smirked at Tony.

"Yeah, Tony. Tell us," Zack said.

"I don't know, flamboyant or some shit like that," Tony said.

"Are you sure? Or should we ask my dads?" Sean asked.

"Dads?" Lucas asked, confused.

"Oh, yeah, Sean has two dads, who are my uncles," I said.

"Okay, I'm confused," Lucas said.

"Well, my mom's brother Charlie married my dad's brother Elijah, who is also deaf along with my mom. Charlie and Elijah adopted Sean," I said.

Lucas dropped his spoon into the carton of ice cream. "And here, I thought it complicated my life."

"It's not complicated. For us, it's normal," Sean said, shrugging.

"Yeah, one big dysfunctional family," Zack said as he shoved a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"So, anything else you care to fill me in?" Lucas asked us.

We looked at each other and said, "Nope."

Then Dad popped his head into the bedroom. "Is everything okay?"

Lucas looked at Dad, and his jaw dropped. Lucas stood up. "You're Ace Morgan."

"The last time I checked," Dad said.

Lucas looked at me. "Ace Morgan is your dad!"

"Yeah, and Brax is Tony's dad, and Chase is Zack's dad," I said. Then we watched Lucas's face dropped; then, before we knew it, he passed out on the floor.

We got up and looked at Lucas lying on the floor. "Well, that's a first," Tony said.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, you guys. Help me get Lucas off the floor."

We got Lucas up, and he woke up. His face turned beet red in embarrassment.

"Is your boyfriend okay?" Dad asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, about that, Lucas is not my boyfriend." Dad looked at me as I continued. "He's gay."

"Oh." Then Dad's eyes widen, "Ohh."

Then Dad quickly left the room. "What's up with Ace?" Tony said.

"Either Dad's relieved to find out that I don't have a boyfriend, or he's getting Mom," I said to Tony.

Well, I was right. It was the second part. Dad brought Mom into the bedroom and signed to her what I told him, and she signed back to him.

"What are they saying?" Lucas asked.

"Well, Ace told Hope the truth, and her answer was she figured," Zack said.

Lucas watched as we all signed to Mom.

"Do you all know how to sign?" Lucas asked us.

"Our parents taught us. Hope and Elijah are deaf. Since we have to communicate with both, they taught us growing up," Zack said.

"Interesting," Lucas said.

"Problem?" Tony asked.

"No, it's that something makes little sense," Lucas mentioned.

"What's that?" Asked Sean.

"Why the Barbie dolls would make your life hard when your dad is Ace Morgan?" Lucas asked me.

"Because they are dumb. Trust us; we had the pleasure of talking to the Barbies," Sean grinned.

"That would explain a lot," Lucas said, making us all laugh.

The rest of the night, I hung out with everyone, and eventually, they all went home. It's weird how such a bad day could turn into something positive. Yes, I got humiliated, but not only did Lucas come clean about his sexuality, but I got the three stooges back, and I couldn't be happier.

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