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"Hey jade and beck!" Tori said as she joined the video chat.

"oh hey Tori." Beck said as Robbie also joined the chat.

"ugh hey." Jade said with no emotion.

"Nice way to join a video chat." Robbie chuckled.

"how are you all?" Beck asked as he took a sip from his coffee.

"I'm good!" Cat said excitedly.

Everyone mummers their different responses.

"How are you both?" Robbie asked.

"and how's the triplets? When can we see them?" Andre asked with excitement.

" we're good thank for asking. Um, their good. all is fine. You guys can come round after jade finished work." Beck suggests as jade took a gulp of her coffee.

"Yes we would be delighted too see them!" Cat squealed.

"Sure." Robbie said.

----beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!----

"I've got to go to work." Jade said as she checked her phone.

"You don't start for another hour." Beck pouted.

"They are starting an hour early. they think we could possibly finish the episode today." Jade explained as she read her phone.

"Okay babe. See you when you get home." Beck pouted as jade kissed him goodbye.

"Hey jade." Jade's agent smiled as she walked into jades dressing room.

"Hey." Jade said as the make up artist finished her makeup.

"How's the twins?" She questioned.

"They're Good." Jade replied as jade walked into the toilet to get changed.

"Glad to hear." Jade's assistant said as she took a seat on the sofa.

A few minuets later Jade walked out wearing a black and red striped top with a black cardigan, light blue ripped jeans and black knee high boots.

"Why hello Clara." Jade's assistant joked as jade walked out looking like her character.

"Do I know you?" Jade joked as he put her hands on her hips.

They both laughed as they walked to the set.

"Right everyone is here." Yelled the director.

"Episode 19 Scene 6! Action."

"Hey Clara!" Jack said as I walked into the house.

"Why does it smell like smoke?" I pretend to cough.

"Oh I burnt the meat loaf we was having for tea." Jack sheepishly replies.

"I should have guessed." I rolled my eyes as I pulled my phone out my pocket.

I tapped on it a few times before placing the phone to my ear.

Happy ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now