Todays the day

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"Are you sure cat can look after them?" Beck asked worried as he tied his tie.

"yes beck. She's looked after lots of kids by herself." Jade explained as she fed Malissa.

"what if something goes wrong?!" Beck said.

"it won't. And if something does cat will text me. Don't worry." Jade said as she kissed beck on the cheek and placed Malissa in her crib.

"Well if you say so." Beck said, turning around to see jade stood in a skinny purple dress, with rose patterned black tights and a pair of black high heels. "you look amazing." Beck said as jade blushed ever so slightly but brushed it off.

" thanks." Jade said with a smile trying to hide her small blush.

"what time are we meeting cat?" Beck asked as he kissed jade on the lips and smacked her butt.

"what was that for?!" Jade asked with a raised eyebrow.

" nothing babe calm down." Beck said as he pulled his girlfriend into a hug and drew harts on her back which soothed the raven haired girl.

"I am calm." Jade informed.

" so what time are we meeting cat?" Beck asked again.

"Umm. At 12:30 outside of her house." Jade said.

"okay." Beck said as he kissed jades cheek and picked up his watch off the side table. " it's ten past twelve so we should leave in 5 to get there in time." Beck said. As he walked over to the twins who was fast asleep.

"okay. You pick up the twins and put them in there car seats and I will get there stuff." Jade said as she walked over to the closet to grab the baby bag.

"okay babe won't be a sec." beck said as he picked up Logan first, and then made his was out to the car.

Jade could here small crying coming from on off the cribs, She slung the baby bag on her shoulder and gently picked up Melissa who was crying, and rocked her gently until he stopped crying.

"that's better." Jade said in a soft voice.

Melissa started to giggle ever so slightly, her big blue eyes locked into her mothers Bluey greeny eyes. with jades free arm she gently ticketed her belly making her laugh even more. Beck stepped into the RV and looked over jades shoulder to see Melissa laughing.

"She's so sweet." Beck said with a smile as he walked over to Malissa and lifted her into his arms.

Beck and jade was walking down the hall with the twins in their push chair, until they stoped outside off cats house.

"How long is the wedding?" Jade asked with concern.

" relax it's only 5 hours." Beck said as he kissed jade on the lips and knocked on the door.

They waited a few seconds until a boy with fuzzy hair answered the door.

"Oh! hello, it's you again! Mine and sams tuna friend!" Dice said as he clicked his fingers.

"Babe who's this?" Beck asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Relax he's cat and sams friend. A few weeks after we broke up I went to cats to help with homework, and then dice had a problem so me and Sam helped him, cat not so much.." Jade explained.

" oh okay." Beck said as dice showed us in.

" how's the tuna?" Jade asked with a slight smile but quickly hid it.

"oh I sold them back to The
spear-fishermen." dice explained as cat walked in the room.

" hey!" Cat said as she hugged jade.

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