Video chats

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*half a month later*

bleep blah blah bleep Bleep blah blah bleep

Jade rushed into her room, out off breath and quickly excepts the video chat from beck.

"hey beautiful!" Beck said as a big smile appeared on his face.

" hey babe!" Jade smiled. "so how's the movie coming along?"

"Its good! And I found out some good news and bad news... which one do you want first?" Beck asked jade.

" umm... good news!" Jade hesitated.

"okay well good news is that I will be coming home at the end off the month!" Beck said excitedly.

"yay! Oh my god! I'm so excited!" Jade smiled. "so what's the bad news?"

" the bad news is.... we still have got a few more scenes to film. so in a years time I will need to fly back and film the rest off the movie for 3 weeks." Beck explained.

"oh okay well at least I have u for a few more months!" Jade said

"I have to go it's getting late." Beck sighed.

"Okay." Jade pouted.

"Bye, I love you!" Beck said disappointed that he has to leave jade.

"me too bye babe." Jade said as she left the video chat.

Jade walked into the shower and washed her hair. Once she finished her warm shower she dried herself and her hair, she then brushed her teeth then headed to bed.

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