Chapter 19

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[Shinra POV]

After I checked most of my patients, I decided to call Shizuo, who still in Izaya's room. I placed my medical bag on the table at the lab and walked out ftom there. I walked to Izaya's room. Before I could touch the handle of the door, I heard both of them were arguing about the mark that Shizuo left on Izaya's neck. I grinned hearing them like that.

"Shut up, It's not like I know your skin are so pale that people could see it," Shizuo scoffed.

"Don't blame on my skin, protozoan!"

"Stop calling me that, Flea!" His voice sounds irritated.

"Same to you! Protozoan!" Izaya keep saying 'protozoan' with loud voice.

"STOP!" I noticed Shizuo's anger in his voice. Then, I heard weird sounds, like someone struggling. I afraid Shizuo would beat him up when Izaya is weak at this moment. I grabbed the handle of the door. As I was about to turn the handle to open the door, I hear Izaya was screaming.

"Shizu-chan.. No.. I don't want this torture again!" Torture? He meant by that 'love bite'?! Then, I heard Izaya was laughing loudly.

"No! Hahahahaha! S-Stop!" Ahh.... That torture.. I sighed as I let go of the handle and trudged to the kitchen. Maybe I should prepare the teas first..

[Shizuo POV]

I began a punishment on Izaya.

"No! Hahahahaha! S-Stop!" I looked at him laughed with tears coming out from his eyes. I don't care if he is a man but he look adorable as fuck. He touched my chest with his hands, trying to push me.

"Shizu..o.. Hahahahaha!" I suddenly stopped and look at him with shocked look. He called me by my first name...? He rested his body on my body and his head on my shoulder near my neck, taking some breathes.

"Haa...No this anymore," I jolted to the reality as I heard him. I quickly keep my composure.

"That's why I told you not to annoy me," I smiled at him and patted his back.
He pouted.

"I hate you. It's not fair at all,"

"It's fair to me. You always annoy me and ran away. Now, you can't do that to me," I grinned.


"By the way, you called me by my first name just now," He flinched.

"I didn't say your name,"

"Hmm.. Really?" I stroked his hair gently.

"Why are you doing all this..?"

"Doing what?"  I stared at him.

"I-I mean.. you can just go home or anywhere after bringing me here,"

"Think by yourself. I thought you would know the reasons without me telling you,"

"You're unpredictable. I already think a lot of reasons of why you doing all this but the reasons of what I think are too much," I smiled.

"I also don't know," A sudden knocks on the door startled us.

"Shizuo-kun? Are you still there?" I held Izaya's body to prevent him from falling and stood up. Then, I laid Izaya on the bed.

"Yea. Wait," I kiss his cheek. He blushed with mad face. I grinned but he suddenly smirked.

"S-Shizuo.. Stop that.. Mm.." He moaned. I shocked hearing him like that.

"Ah...Sorry for interrupted," I realized why Izaya doing that. I glared at him.

"STOP THAT, FLEA," He just laughed, I stormed out from that room and went to the living room. Shinra was talking to Celty.

"Hey," Both of them looked at me.

"Ohh.. Already done?" He smiled.

"What do you mean by that? I didn't do anything to him,"

"Just kidding. I know Izaya-kun want to make me misunderstood,"

"Then, don't go along with him," I grumbled as I sat on the sofa.

"So? What do you want to talk to me?"

"It's about you and Izaya-kun," Celty was tapping her phone.

[When I came to Izaya's apartment, I saw Kadota who sat on the sofa. He told me not to bother you guys but I'm curious, So I took a peek......]

"That's mean you saw us?" Celty nodded.

"You didn't rape him, aren't you?" Haah?? I glared at him.

"Why would I want to rape him?!" Celty hit Shinra's shoulder.

"Ah..Sorry! Anyways, do you know that you're getting weird. I mean you don't mind that he always near you,"

"I don't know. I don't feel irritated for most of the time I spent time with him now. Instead, I feel nostalgic," I sighed. Then, I heard Celty was tapping again.

[You will know soon]

"I hope so," I smiled.


Sunday, Shinra's Place...

"We will go first. Try to persuade Izaya-kun~! See you there on 2 pm!" Shinra and Celty walked out from their home wihout waiting for my reply. I sighed and went to Izaya's room. As I walked in, the room quite messy. Izaya was sitting on the bed with his face above the knees, covered his body with blanket while glaring sharp at me.

"What are you? A cat?!" I came closer to him.

"I don't want! Why I have to come anyways?! Just have fun without me!" Izaya has been protesting to come to Russian Sushi with us.

"If that rapist come over too, I will not come!" That's right. 'Hu-chan' or Hatakata Huriki was invited by Kadota. He want to meet Izaya to apologize. It's also one of the reasons Kadota want me to invite Izaya and stay by his side when we go there but...

"Just come, Flea! That man only want to ask for you to forgive him and his friends!"

"I don't want! Just tell Kadota and others that I'm busy! And that Trash, tell him I forgive him or whatever!" My anger already max because him.I pulled the blanket and threw it to the floor. I grabbed his hand.

"If you don't want, I will just force you to come there!" Izaya tried to pull his hand but failed. I pulled him to get out from the bed.  He got forced to walk but still trying to pulled his hand.

"Let me go!" When we were in the living room, I felt a little pain on my arm. I looked at it and saw Izaya bit me. I pushed him to the couch harshly and pulled shirt to give me an opening to bite his shoulder. I bit it real hard as I done with his behaviour.

"Aargh! It's hurt!" Izaya groaned as he pulled my blond hair to stop me from biting his shoulder. His tears coming out. I stopped biting and glared at him. I pulled his black hair viciously to force him looking at me.

"Now, what is your answer?! Come there with me or stay here with me to fuck you until Shinra and Celty came back here?!" He shocked and gritted his teeth.

"I don't want any. I want to go back home," He glared at me. I got snapped.

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