Chapter 12

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[Shizuo POV]

"Wait. There is something I need to tell you," I walked back to living room and sat on the sofa.

"About Izaya-kun's pills,"

"A year after he graduated, Izaya-kun met a guy called 'Hu-chan'. I don't know his real name but that how Izaya-kun always called him that whenever he talked about that guy to me. That guy was 3 years older than him. He got attached to 'Hu-chan' that he always act spoiled to him.

One day, 'Hu-chan' called him to hang out at night. Izaya-kun just happily hang out with him. After Izaya-kun got drunk, 'Hu-chan' carried him and he thought that 'Hu-chan' bring him back home but that not it. He brought Izaya-kun to an abandoned house.

There were 3 or 4 people inside the house too. His hands got tied and got raped by them. After they had him for 3 days, they just leave him at that house. I was the first one that realized he got kidnapped. So, I asked 'certain' person to help me to find Izaya-kun. After that person found him, he carried him to my house and I treated his wounds. He got depressed when he knew that 'Hu-chan' only used him to satisfy his friends and himself.

But that not the only reason if why he had that pills. 'Certain' person that saved him cheered him up. Even though both of them hate each other before that happened, but seeing Izaya-kun depressed, he treated him with sincere and kindness. After a month they got along, they started to go out. But the person got into accident and didn't remember anything about Izaya-kun got saved by him and being his lover. Because of that, he thought Izaya-kun tried to make fun of him for not remember those few months.

The bad rumor about him has started. People keep insulted him that he is a slut and his parents kicked him out from the house. He always had a problem with his family. So, there no wonder of why he got kicked. His parents always complained that he shouldn't be born. He had to stay at my house for few months.

Then, that how he became like that and need the pills I invented for him,"  I was shocked that I became speechless.

"He already move on for most of the part except the person who he used to go out," He smiled.

"Who is the person that saved him?" I looked at him.

"That's secret!" He grinned. I glared at him and sighed.

"I will go to his room now," I grabbed the plastic and stood up. Then, I walked to Izaya's room.

"Now it's up to you" I looked back.


"Nothing," He smirked. I glared at him while giving him 'So suspicious' vibe and then continue to walk to Izaya's room.

After he walked out from Izaya's room...

"Thank you for visiting Izaya-kun" I almost screamed. Shinra was behind me.

"Are you trying to make me have a heart attack?!"

"Hehe... I never thought you would fed him. It is a wise choice since he too weak to feed himself," He gave me a smile and thumbed up. I got embarrased. So, I stormed out from his house.

"Bye bye!"

As I walked without any direction, I sat on the bench. I took out the cigarette from its box and light it up. As I smoked , I heard of Celty's motorcycle.

Celty tapped a few times on her phone.

[What are you doing here?]

"Nothing. Just thinking about something,"  I smiled.

[Oh. Do you want to go home? If so, I will take you there]

"No need. You don't have to do that."

[Okay then. See you later]

"Yea," She rode on her motorcycle and went to somewhere. Probably go home.

I walked through Ikebukuro street to go to home. As I walked on the way there, I heard a scream calling my name.

"Shizu-chan!!" I looked at the owner of the voice.

"What is it?"

"I saw you carried Izaya a few days ago!! Why?! Did you do too hard or-"

"Karisawa-san, please calm down!" Walker covered Erika's mouth.

"Sorry, Shizuo," Kadota walked toward me.

"It's okay," Kadota pushed both of them to the van. That's scary... Wait. What does she means that I did something too hard? Whatever. I want to go home and relax.

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