Chapter 6

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[Izaya POV]

As we arrived in my apartment, I put the plastic on the table amd immediately walked to my bedroom to take a nap but a strong hand grabbed my arm.I looked at Shizuo. What the hell do you want?!


"I don't want to eat. And let go of me! " I tried to pull my hand but failed.

"You have to eat." He dragged me to living room and force me to sit. I grumbled. Then, he walked to kitchen while asked, "What food that you want?"

I don't feel like to eat.So, I said, " I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry." I turned away. He was being silent again and sighed.

"Then, you will eat the porridge."

"I won't eat if it's just a plain porridge." I heard his mumbles. He must be mad.I don't want him to destroy my stuffs.

"Put the oats on it" I shouted.He didn't responded. Oh Well.. I grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. Then, I changed the channel until I found an interesting show.

After a few minutes...

Shizuo appeared with a bowl of porridge oats.He put the food on the table gently. Then he sat on the sofa and looked at me.

"Now, eat"

"I don't want to" I pouted. I glanced at him.He seems irritated. He grabbed the spoon and took out the porridges.Then, he grabbed my shirt. I struggled to make him let go of me


"You don't want to eat.So, I have to force you to eat." His angry tone made me quite scared.I quickly tapped his hands.

"I-I will eat! Let's go of me! Shizu-chan!" Then, he let go of me and handed a spoon of porridge to me.

"Here" I grabbed it and started to eat the porridge slowly. Not bad..He knew how to cook.. Shizuo stared at me as I continued to eat. I got annoyed. Don't stare at me..It's uncomfortable...

"What is it, Shizu-chan? Does my face look handsome that you stares at me?" I didn't looked at him.

"Well, I saw your refrigerator and seems like you rarely cook them." He turned away and look at TV.

"I usually eat outside. Since I hired Namie, she used to cook for me even though I don't want. So, She the only who used them to make food for herself." I keep eating that I didn't noticed Shizuo's expression.

"Even though you don't want? What do you mean by that?" Ah.. I'm too focused on eating that I honestly replied him.

"Well, I don't eat too much."

"Heh. No wonder you're skinny that you look like skeleton."

I stopped and pouted. "Hmph. Shizu-chan doesn't know that what we called it 'Diet'.Since Shizu-chan is a monster, I forgive you" I patted his head and he slapped my hand. He glared at me and grumbled. He looked at the TV again.

"Just keep eat, Flea"

"Hmph." I continued to eat. Now, I wonder..He didn't eat anything. Oh well, not my bussiness.

After I finished the porridge, I said in friendly tone, "Phew, I'm done. I'm thirsty, Shizu-chan~" I smiled at him. He sighed and took the bowl and went to kitchen. I hummed while looking at TV. Hehe~ It's nice that he obedient follow what I want. Maybe I should be grateful with this thing on my stomach.

He came back with two cups. One of them is a plain water and the other one is coffee. He gave the cup with plain water. I pouted.

"I want tea!" He eyes twitched and made an irritated face.

"You have to take the medicine and vitamins right now!" He shouted.

I grumbled. "No need to shout..." I grabbed the cup. He didn't responded. He put the coffee on the table and brought the plastic that had my medicines and vitamins near me.I took the medicines and vitamins and drank the water. He watched the TV while drank the coffee.

Once I done, I tapped his shoulder and smiled. "Tea!" He looked at me as if wanting to kill me and then he sighed. He stood up.He brought the empty cups and the plastic to kitchen.

He appeared again with a cup of tea and gave it to me. "It's hot. Drink it slowly."

I don't feel like to play with him right now. "I know." Then, he replied "Just saying." and sat on the sofa continued to watch TV.

Once I finished, I continued to watch TV.

Late Night...

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. He saw me and said "Go to sleep.It's late."

I nodded and immediately go to bedroom. "Good Night." He looked at me until I arrived in front of the door and looked back at TV.

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