Chapter 8

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[Izaya POV]

After I finished dressing up, I walked out ftom bedroom. I walked down to my living room and Shizuo already left. Whatever.Need to start working now. I sat on my chair and started doing my job. Namie came here earlier than usual.

"Oh~~ I thought you would prefer to come late to work for your little brother~ I guess you got attached to my handsome face~" I smirked. My eyes still focused on my computer. I heard "Hmph" from her.

"Ask that monster of yours.He told me to come early or he would kill my brother.No wonder there a rumor about both of you getting along.Even holding each other hand," She scoffed. I stopped a little bit and continued.

"Aww...Are you jealous that you can't do that to your brother in the public~?" I smirked. She got irritated.

"You seems fine that can playing around and working.You skin color is a little pale though," She stared at me.Then, she continued.

"He told me to stop you working if you look like you're sick and tell you to take the medicines and...vitamins? Why would you need vitamins when you're sick? Do you get pregnant like a woman?" She sneered at me. That protozoan's head is more like amoeba! No..Even amoeba is clever than him!

"No need to know. Why don't you started to work too?" I said in monotone voice as I continued looking at my computer.

In the afternoon....

I looked at the time in my computer. Oh..It already afternoon. I touched my stomach as I felt it hurt like hell. I think I too much focused on job that I don't feel my stomach suffered this much.

"You're still have stomach issues?" Namie looked at me with curious expression.

"You also went to toilet pretty often today," Do I? I didn't realize.

Suddenly, a strong knocks from the door. "Oi, Flea. Open this door! " Then, Namie looked at me with suspicious expression. I only silent since I can't think anything except for my hurting stomach.

"Go open the door or he will.." I said in weakly tone. She went to the door and opened it.Shizuo came in. He stared at me and then moved his eyes to Namie.
"Namie, can you buy some Salmon sushi at Russian Sushi?" She grumbled.

"Even if you tell me that you need private talk, I would leave." She grabbed her purse and walked to the exit.

"Have fun with your monster." She scoffed and then leave.

I sighed and looked at him. "So...what is it, Shizu-chan?

"I went to Shinra's apartment for business today and he want you to go to his apartment to talk about something for next week." He sat on the sofa.

"I don't think you want to tell me about that only." I looked at him.

He sighed. "That's all for now," He grabbed the remote control and pressed the button to turn on the TV.

"Just say it" I stared at him.

"I don't think you want to answer it," He pressed the buttons to change the channel that he want.

"I will," He looked at me.

"I saw your wrist. Seems like you cut your wrist pretty often," My eyes widened. SHIT. Don't tell me he knew when he looked at me at that time?! Wait. The distance between the sofa he sat and me at that time quite far. How he could see my scars clearly?!

"Also, You're too skinny. I guess you don't have an appetite because of your depression. Is that why you need the pills from Shinra?" Just when he got clever?!

"Oi, Flea. Don't make that 'He getting clever' face! I'm not dumb!" He glared at me with irritated face.

I didn't answered his question as I don't know how to answer it. "Tch. I knew it. You would not answer it. Nevermind then. Shinra told me to help you when you're in trouble but you never help yourself"

"Then.. no need to help me..I never asked you help me or take care of me."

"Yourself know it that I owe Shinra a lot and you're not the only his friend. I also his friend. I can't refuse him." Heh..Of course you was forced to look after me because Shinra asked you.I can't ask you to help me because I know you hate me.

'Too stupid of me for having a little hope because of what happened last night'

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