Chapter 2

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[Izaya POV]
A week later.....

I currently doing my job in my so-called office. Suddenly, I felt a little hungry.
"Namie-san, Get me some Salmon Sushi~" I shouted while my eyes still focus on the screen computer. There no respons. I looked around and there was no one. 'Where did she go?' I stood upand saw a note on the table.

[I need to go now. Today is my brother birthday]

'She did mentioned me to go home early. Oh well, I will just buy the Salmon Sushi by myself.' I took my jacket and wore it.Then, I went to Ikebukuro to go to Russian Sushi. When I was on the way to the Russian Sushi, I heard a voice calling out my name behind me.

"I-Z-A-Y-A-KUN~" Shizuo said. I looked back and saw him.My heart felt tight all sudden.
"Aww.. I just want buy my favourite food~" I said with upset tone while smiled by force.
"But I already told you thatㅡ" Before he able to finished his words, Celty came closer to us. She took out her phone and start to type out her words.

[No fight! You still recovering, Shizuo-san.]

"Just why you always interrupted us? I'm already fine!" Shizuo said. Celty was giving off panicked vibe. I sighed.

"Shizu-chan. You know, I'm currently sick right now." I said with so irritating tone. "And it's no good to fight anyways." I continued. Celty was nodded quickly.

"So what? You look energetic as always to me." He said with annoyed face.
"It doesn't have to do with physical." I replied with weak tone. I continued to walk to Russian Sushi. "Bye bye~" I said. Celty stopped Shizuo to follow me.


[Shizuo POV]
4 hours later....

'Tch! Why Celty keep interrupted us?! It not like we fought a few time. We been fight each other by MANY TIME!' I went near to Tom.
"I feel sick.Can I go home early?"I asked.
"Sure. It's was the last client anyways.He usually pay" He replied. I thanked him and go on way to my home.I walked to a narrow alley. As I keep walking, I heard someone's voice.

"Ugh...Stop! No..." A man groaned. I tried to find where the voice come from.
"This is the consequences for making me mad!" Another man shouted.
I ran to the place that voice come from. My eyes widened. I saw a man raped Flea, who looked scared. I felt anger in me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH FLEA?!"I roared. The man stopped and saw me. He was in fear.

"S-Shizuo Heiwajima..." The man stuttered.

"Shizu-chan..." Izaya said with weak tone. 'He really sick?' I gritted my teeth.

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" I roared again while glared at that man.

He took out his D*** from Izaya's Ass****and wore his pants. Then, he started to run away as his expression was scared and confused.

I immediately went near Flea. I grabbed his clothes that scattered around that alley and tried to help to put the clothes on. He snatched the clothes from me and turned back.

"Go..Away.." He said. "What did you say again?"I asked, tried to confirm his words..

Flea sighed. "I said... Go away!" Izaya shouted.I grabbed his shoulder and turn his body to me.

I shouted "I HELPED YOU BUT YOU WANT MEㅡ" I didn't continued my words as Izaya slapped my hand while his tears fell down with shocked face.

"Don't touch me!" Izaya shouted. He then immediately wore his clothes and ran away from me while I still being stoned. 'That flea....CRYING??!!'

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