Chapter 13

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[Shizuo POV]

A week later...

Izaya became more cheerful like before. Even though he teased me around, I don't easily get mad like I used to. But, recently, he has been spacing out while looking at the wall. He has sad face.

"Oi, Flea. Are you okay?" I touched his hand and shook it a little bit. He flinched.

"Ah? What is it?" He looked at me. I stared at him.

"You're spacing out again. If you have any problem, just tell me. I could help," He smirked.

"Aww...Worry about me? Shizu-chan don't have to worry. I only think of my works. I have been here for a week. I wonder when I can go out from here," He pouted.

"Maybe soon," A sudden knock in the door startled both of us. The door got opened.

"I need to talk with Izaya-kun in private," Shinra walked in with smile.

"Okay," I stood up and looked at Izaya.

"See you later," He waved at me with smile and I waved back while walked out from the room.

[Izaya POV]

"You heard us, didn't you?" I stared at him.

"Yea. You can go out from here tomorrow,"

"Thanks," I gave him a smile. He smiled.

"That only if you explain this to me," He took out a lot of bottle pills. My eyes widened. Don't tell me he went to my apartment?!

"There still have pills inside it. I never thought you lied to me that you lost it or finished it. As your friend and a doctor, I need to know why you do this,"

"I really lost it at that time but I don't need that pills anymore. There nothing wrong with me from the start,"

"Well, you do! You almost killed yourself last time! I'm not dumb of why you always try to annoy Shizuo-kun. You want him to kill you, right?" I became silent. I don't know how to reply that his sentences because it's true.

"I want him to feel guilty when I die by him. Maybe that the only way for him to care about me....?" I smiled pitifully at him. He grinned at me.

"Confess to him instead of annoy him to kill you," I blushed.

"Don't say something like that! Why would I have to confess to him?! I never love him! Moreover, I'm a man!" I hit him with pillow a few times but he dodged.

"Aww..I know. You don't have to hide it. You DO love him," He smirked at me.

"I-I hate him! He is a monster and I only love Humans! " He stared at me.

"Ohhh... You stuttered just now. Are you sure~?" I blushed even more.

"I think there something wrong with you,"

"I'm not. I just happy that both of you getting along well. He didn't mad at you when you teased him, right? I guess he don't hate you,"

"Even so, it's better if he hate me. I have too many enemies, you know? My job is very dangerous that I must not find anyone special to me," I stared at an empty gray wall, thinking of my job.

"If you're talking about 'that', you don't have to worry. At that time, it's just an accident," I sighed and laid down on the bed.

"Let's stop talk about this. I want to rest right now," I turned my back toward him, so that he can't see my gloomy face.

"Okay then. I will asks Shizuo-kun to help you pack up your stuffs for tomorrow," He stood up and closed the door as he walking out from my room. I closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I asleep.

[Shinra POV]

I closed the door and sat on the sofa.

"Phew! It's so hard to make them get back together," Once they get back together, I don't have to hear Izaya-kun's complaint anymore and have more time to spend with my Celty~! I hummed as I was thinking of my plan.I heard a door got opened and it was Celty.

"Celty~!" I smiled happily at her. She took out her phone.

[You seems happy than usual]

"Oh! I just thinking of our vacation this month!" She sat on the sofa beside me.

[But we have a lot of works to do around this month]

Ah. Shit. I forgot.

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