Chapter 5

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[Shizuo POV]

As I stood up, I grabbed both of his hands and held the hand had switchblade tight until it got dropped. I immediately kicked the switchblade to the corner of the room.He glared at me. 

"Don't be crazy, Flea!" I glared at him back. He tried pulled his hand away but I held it tightly.

  "Let go of me, Protozoan!" My eyes twitched. My anger rose up and I raised my fist into the air  preparing to punch Izaya. Before I could swing my fist to his face, Shinra grabbed my arm to prevent me from punching Izaya. Izaya smirked and increased my wrath. Damn you!

"Shizuo-kun, stop! He is pregnant! You cannot hurt him!"  

"His damn mouth really get on my nerves. Whether he is pregnant or not, He needs to get beated!" 

"Shizuo-kun. Don't do it! Please, He also sick right now! Also, I need to know how he got pregnant!" I sighed and let go his hands. As Shinra persuaded Izaya to calm down, I sat down and took out the cigarettes box from my pocket. Shinra immediately stopped me as he said " No smoking! It's not good for Izaya's health." Tch. I put back my cigarettes box to my pocket again.

"So, tell me what happened." Izaya crossed his hands and turned away. He didn't answer it. I sighed and said " He got rape-" Izaya cut my words " Don't tell him!" He glared at me and turned away again. Shinra's eyes widened.

"Why would I need to listen to you? Anyways, He got raped by a man" 

"How do you know?" Shinra curiously looked at me. I explained him everything. 

"I thought you the one who made him pregnant" Hmm? Why would I want to rape him?

"What do you mean?" I looked at Shinra with a confused expression. He smiled at me. Then his eyes moved to Izaya and said, "I will go to my lab to get the medicines and vitamins for you, Izaya-kun." 

"Whatever.Also, don't forget to give me the thing I asked for you last time" Shinra nodded and went to the lab.He also told me to wait for awhile before he goes. I just nodded.I gave a quick glance at him. 

"What is it, Shizu-chan? Is there anything on my face?" He gave the usual annoying smile to me.But it seems like he was in pain.I looked at his body and saw that he touched his stomach. I don't know how to answer it. So, I just keep silent.

"Sorry for taking so long" Shinra came out from his lab while holding the plastic. He gave it to Izaya and told him the medications. After the long 'speech' of him, Shinra looked at me and grabbed me. He pulled me a few distance from Izaya.

He whispered, "Can you accompany him to his apartment? He still weak to walk home. Also, I want you to stay at his apartment while he is in that condition." My eyes widened. Then, I frowned but I don't want to refuse his request since he owes me a lot.Also, he is my friend. I sighed and nodded.

"But I don't think he wants to let me stay at his apartment" He smiled and told me to not worry about that. As Izaya and I at the exit, Shinra said, "Shizuo-kun, take care of him! Even though you not the father of the child in Izaya-kun's belly. Hope both of you get along!" He smirked at Izaya and Izaya just turned away.We walked out from Shinra's door.

"Take care! And remember to come back here in few weeks!" He waved happily. I waved back and followed Izaya to go to his apartment. 

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