Street fighting Missile!

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I gave the jumbo sized guy in front of me, the last right hook and watched him fall on the floor and pass out. The referee came up and checked the guy. "And the Missile strikes again." I adjust my hood and walk towards the small room where I kept my shit.

I have another fight and after that I am done for the night.

If you haven't understood yet, I am a street fighter. I go by the name Missile, here in the ring due to my agility and fast moving. My name is Myra Stewart and I am 17 years old.

Nobody here knows that I a girl since I wear baggy clothes and always have a hood on, covering my face. If accidently the hood is taken off, I have a small mask hiding my identity.

Not to be cocky or anything but I am really good at street fighting. I am at the top here. People are scared to fight with me, some gangs want me to join them and some gangs want to kill me. I have beaten a good amount of people including gang leaders. No one knows my identity.

I look at the time and walk out of the room towards the ring.


Oh fuck! I am fighting him tonight. Good luck is certainly not on my side today. Don't think that I am scared from this piece of crap. It's just that he is the 'bad boy' of our school. He is one of those cliché boys who are in a gang, hangout only with a couple of guys, driving a motorcycle and fucks anything with a vagina.

I really don't want him to find out who I am. He looks at me and gives a cocky smirk. Okay this douche bag is going down.

The bell rings and we circle each other, the crowd screaming for someone to make their move. I look at him to find any weakness and see that he keeps on shifting his weight from one leg to another. I bend down to make it seem that I will punch him in the stomach and as he tries to dodge that, I swipe my right leg in a circular motion and knock his legs.

He gets up quickly and lands a blow on my cheek. I recover quickly and jump up to kick him but he dodges. We do this for some time until I have him in a powerful headlock. He pushes his elbow back into my stomach which loosens my hold on him. I kick him where the sun doesn't shine. This makes him groan and bend which gives me a clear window so I roundhouse kick his head and he falls over; the crowd goes crazy.

I finally reach my home and enter to see beer bottles surrounding the living room. Without giving it another glance I go to my room and lock the door. I really don't have the strength to clean my wounds now. I will do it before school.

Next morning...

Alarms are the worst thing in the world, was the first thought I woke up with in the morning. I took my ass off the bed and went to the washroom for a shower. After showering I wear a pair of baggy blue jeans and a green sweater to cover my bruised arms. I wear a pair of fake black glasses and a black converse. After that I get on to covering the bruise on my cheek which Ethan aka Hunter blew on my face.

I pretend to be a nerd I school because clearly I don't want gangs to know about me. Even after putting shit load of concealer there is a faint mark of the bruise.

I walk towards the school and due to the blazing sun I sweat which make my makeup run off a bit. Before reaching school I open my hair from a bun and walk quietly with my head down towards my locker.

The bell ring and I quickly turn, without realizing bumping into a hard chest. Before I could fall a pair of arms catches me and I look up in shock to see Ethan's face. My brown eyes looking straight into his blue ones. I quickly stand up and he moves his hand back while saying,

"What the fuck happened to your face?"


Ethan (Hunter) as Matt Lanter:

Ethan (Hunter) as Matt Lanter:

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Myra (Missile) as Mila Kunis:

Myra (Missile) as Mila Kunis:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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