Thirty four

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From her little grocery cart escapade, She soon arrived at the park.

"Thanks Chewy, you're free to go back home now" She pats the dog on the head. Wagging his tail, the german shepherd runs off to his home. Leaving Lucy to face the 10 foot gate blocking her from entering the park.

She eye the gate, hoping to find another note. Then she saw it, the note she's been looking for attached to the right side of white gate. Grabbing it. She read it with excitement, to see what's happening next.

This is your last one
But you're not really done
Follow the bubble wrap path
To finish the fun!

What bubble wrap?

Opening the gate. She walked in the park. The faint smell of spring blossoms surrounding her. Rows and rows of greenery swaying and dancing with the wind. Birds alike sing to the tune. And to her right, no one could miss the twinkle of the lake as the sunlight glimmers on its surface.

Of course she didn't notice that too. No matter how detailed I'll describe it.
Because in front of her is a stone brick pathway. But today it was covered in bubble wrap. Basically it was like a red carpet, but with bubble wrap leading to who knows where like a trail.

Gleaming with joy. She took a step on the bubble wrap.


Ahhhh. Those sweet sounds of popping bubble wrap. It was heaven she thought.

Once again she took a step, then another, and another!


Soon she was jumping on the bubble wrap, running even. Enjoying the satisfying pop. Bubble wrap was a reliever. In other words it's just plain amazing.

After 5 minutes of following the long trail of bubble wrap, popping it all way. She reached her destination. The bubble wrap trail ended at a large enclosed gazebo.

Am I supposed to enter? She wondered. The path ends here so it must be there.

Curious, I am. 

Enter, Shall I.  

Dammit Lucy! Being yoda doesn't help the situation!

Still curious to where this may lead. She slowly crept up the stairs and pushed the door open. Making a creaking sound as it does.

It was dark. Really dark inside. She ran her hand up against the wall, searching for a light switch. Once she did. The whole room turned on. As she was about to check the place. She heard a floorboard creak behind her. Next thing she knew she was screaming.

"I've been expecting you"

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