Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

“You’re so naïve, Ella. Maybe it is for the best that Nicolai takes over your pack.”

“I may be naïve, but I know a hypocrite when I see one,” she glanced at me as she took both of my hands into hers. “I know that your fears are like mine. What if the child grows up to be like its father? It solely depends on how you raise the child, Arabella. If you’re thinking that killing an innocent unborn child will save the innocence of its potential victims, then you’re a huge hypocrite. Think about it,” she dropped my hands and turned to leave.

“Wait,” I grabbed her hand and spun her around. “Jake was terribly disrespectful today and now I’ve come to realize where his loyalty truly lies. He broke his vow to both your father and I. He pledged his loyalty to me, but you saw how he broke that earlier. I think that he deserves to be punished for that,” I looked at her as a small smile appeared on her lips.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, Arabella. However, you are in charge now. I will let you do whatever it is that pleases you. So long as you think it through before acting upon it.”

“You see, my plan involves you,” I watched as her smile faded.

“W-w-what?” she stammered, looking at me, alarmed.

“Jake tried to avoid you at all costs, so he got to miss out on the great woman destined for him. I think it’s about time he finally notices you,” I gave her an encouraging smile as her eyes showed me how fierce her internal battle was with herself.

“You’re forgetting about one thing- I am carrying a child…. And it is not his!” She exclaimed, mumbling how ridiculous my plan was.

“I’ve actually taken that to account. Jake would no longer serve as my Beta. He will be your body guard,” her face contorted in confusion.

“I don’t like that sound of this. I need no body guard,” she protested. “He wouldn’t agree to this either. He is very loyal to Rylan and is a prideful man.”

“As you said earlier, I am in charge now,” I smirked before looking over her scared features. “What’s wrong? Do you harbor feeling for him still?”

“The feelings would never diminish completely, you should know that Arabella,” she sighed dejectedly before looking over me once again. “I’ll agree to it, but I won’t like it one bit. If I had the choice, I would abandon all of this and live my life elsewhere.”

Gears started to turn in my mind as her last statement repeated itself over and over. “That’s it!”


“You will make him notice you and possibly fall for you. Meanwhile, I’ll be looking for another country or continent to send you to. Somewhere you can start over without the fear of being shunned. I will make sure you are financially stable and are taken care of. Once he starts to regret his mistakes, you pack up and leave,” I looked at her once again as her face turned pale. Her hands shook lightly as her eyes shone with unshed tears in them.

“I am not that heartless,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “I don’t think I’d be able to leave him when the time comes.”

“You’re stronger than you think, Ella. If you don’t want to leave him when he starts regretting everything, then it’s your choice. I’m simply offering an alternative,” she gave me a light hug and mumbled a thank you.

“Please try to think about what I told you,” Ella touched my stomach lightly. “Do not let him pay for his father’s mistakes. My mind tells me to rid myself of the child, but my conscience would never allow it. I hope yours doesn’t too. I believe in you, Arabella.”

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