The End and Beginning

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Part 18:

*********Twist's POV*********

I woke up and was tied up by my hands and feet. My mouth was sealed shut and couldn't move much. It was dark and tried to make a lot of noise to be heard. I screamed through my tape and yelled as if it would help. I heard keys rattling and I yelled more. The door opened. It was the guy that stopped me from hurting Dyamond at school plus more. He ripped the tape off of my mouth and pointed a gun at me.

Guy: Any last wishes?

Me: Don't kill me. Please! i need to talk to Dyamond. 

Guy: She's gone. After what you did she would want you dead.

Me: It's no tmy fault! I swear! Please! Call her or something please! 

Guy: One call. Even if she doesn't answer, it's on you.

He pulled out his phone and called her. The phone was put on speaker.

******PHONE CONVO******

???: Hello?

Me: Who is this?

???: Twist? It's TI.

Me: What?

TI: Where are my kids at you punk?!!

Me: Your kids?!

TI: Yes! The Triplets are my kids and I know you know where they are!!

Me: They left, Tip. I don't know where they are, but I know they aren't here!

TI: Where could they be?

Me: They aren't in America. That's all I can tell you!

Ti: Fine!!


I'm never going to see here or hear from her. Not even before I die... I laid down on my face and started crying. I couldn't stop crying either. At this point, my own life isn't what I cared about most in the world. All of people that a hurt or killed or even would die for... I'm being taken away from them with no questions asked. What am I talking about? No one would miss me. After all of the pain I put people through. The lies I have told. I prayed. Not for myself but for all of the people that i caused pain on. I wnated them to enjoy life without me being there to huant them. I prayed for peace at mine for them. I prayed for my mother. She is so ashamed of me. She wouldn't even show up to my funeral if you paid her. My dad was such a dead beat that he woud come just to get paid. The guy that had opened the door and saved Dyamond from my harm picked me up and made me face the wall. I heard him cock the gun. I took one last deep breathe.

*********Jesse's POV*********

I hit the ground.

Me: Oww.

I looked up and the person that I had ran into was gone. GONE! Faster than lion chasing its prey. The footsteps faded into the darkest area of the library. It is also the most confusing route out of here. The library was a maze that i had learn to find my way out of. It is my hiding place. My hidden world. My life, I knew everything by placing notes between book to figure was out of this maze. I wondered arpund to find the lost person. After about an hour or so, I figured that the person had left. I heard a voice weakly said, "Help! Please!" I listened to the direction of the voice. 

Me: You have to keep speaking so I can find you. Ok?

Voice:*stutters* O-okay.

Me: Talk about something. Anything!

I heard shuffleing and moving around coming from that same direction. 

Voice: "Book One. The First Truth: You Can"t Trick the Inner Eye." ...

It is one of the newer novels. "Witch & Wizard: The Kiss" I listened to the voice read softly. It sounded like a young girl. I heard her voice slowly get louder and louder. 

Me: Here I come. OK?

Voice: Y-yes. 

I turned to the voice. It was a girl, But she isn't ten like I thought. She is a colored girl. Young. Pretty. She seemed scared. I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. 

Girl:*stutters and speaks softly* Thank you. C-Can you help me find my way out?

Me: Of course. I'm Jesse. 

I reached to shake her hand but she drew away from me. She mumbled softly, "Dyamond." Dyamond..

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