The Start

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*************Tamar's POV***********

I'm Twenty and Pregnant by THIS GUY! My Boyfriend, Tauheed. He had dreads and was trying to get his rap up, but The Trap of ATL is no joke. I went to his dorm on Moore House College soil. It was against my Sorority to do this but I had to. I knocked on his Door.

Tauheed: Hey Tamar.

Me: I need to tell you something.

Tauheed: Come in.

I went in and sat on his couch.

Tauheed: What's up?

Me: I'm pregnant.

Tauheed: Really?

I pulled up the three test that I took and showed him.

Me: I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let you into my apartment that late at night.

Tauheed: Baby, we will be fine!

Me: How?

Tauheed: I got signed! Snoop Dog gave me the green light!

I hugged because i was so happy!

****Sixteen YEARS LATER***

Four kids is a handful! Three girls and one boy is plenty! Between Football practice, Dance Recitals, Wrestling practice, Auditions, and Mini Promo Tours, I have no time to myself! The Triplets are doing the best they can to keep Tia's schedule straight for me and Tauheed's wedding anniversary, but I don't know how well the practice run is going. It's the first Day of school for the kids and the Triplets' 16th birthday and our anniversary is 6 weeks away. I just watched them get ready. I shouldn't have had kids 11 months apart!!

Hendrix: Tia, are you dressed yet?

Dyamond: Tia, did you brush your teeth?

Amber: Stay out of my closet Tia!

Tia: I'm 15! I know what I'm doing! And I have my own clothes Amber!

They all started arguing.

Me:*yells* HEY!!

They stopped yelling.

Me: You guys are doing better than Last week so I'm proud of you. But I'm gonna be Mom again to get this done.

Kids: Okay.

Tauheed came downstairs. He kissed me.

Tauheed: I got this Tamar. You go back to sleep.

Me: Thanks babe!

I kissed his cheek.

Me: Happy Birthday Triplets and have a good day at school!

Kids: We Will!

I went and laid down again.

*************Tauheed's (2 Chainz)POV************

Me: Girls, Cover up. Hendrix, pull your pants up.

Girls: We are covered!

Tia: Check it! No boobs, no butts, no boxers!

Me: okay you three check out.

Amber: Thanks Daddy.

They went into the kitchen.

Me: Boy, pull your pants up!

Hendrix: Dad, this is Schwag!

Me: I didn't buy you a Gucci belt to go under your but now pull them up.

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