Across Town

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Part Nine: Across Town

***************Tia's POV**************

Dad said that I could walk to School with Taylor and Dre. Pierce was sick so he could come to school.

Taylor: Why didn't you ride to school with the Triplets?

Me: It's a long story.

Dre: Are your sisters sick? Because I have the perfect thing to fix that!*chuckles*

Me: You are so dirty and no! They are in Bankhead.

Them: Why?

Me: We don't have the same dad and their dad lives in Bankhead. So they are going over there for a while.

Taylor: Aw!

Dre: Well. I can be you shoulder to cry on if you need it.

He wrapped his arms around me. I saw Princeton walking up.

Princeton: Hey Baby.

Dre:*releasing me* Baby? When did this happen?

Princeton: At the party. So what are you doing Friday night, Love?

Me:*blushes* I don't know. I'm hoping to visit my siblings. It we can hang out Saturday when I get home.

Princeton smiled and kissed me on the lips. He made our bodies touch by pulling my waist. I pulled away smiling.

Princeton: So we can have some fun with my family, then have a big Mexican dinner with them as well! You will love them and they will love you.

Me: Great! Plus this might give me a leg up on that Spanish test next Monday.

Taylor: Auntie will love you Chicka!

Me:*laughs* Thanks!

Dre: I'm putting my foot down! You can't be with him!

Me: Too late Dre! I'm sorry fine.

****************Roc's POV*************

I decided to go back to the chorus room to see if Mystery girl #1 was there. She wasn't. No beautiful song or piano. I sighed. Maybe she wasn't coming anymore because of me. Plus, I have no Idea who Mystery girl #2 is because we ONLY DANCED! I kissed her once and she vanished. Well. At least, I had Dyamond that I could bump into in the hall. I didn't see her or the other Triplets. Where is everyone? I found Ray at his locker, talking to some guy. The guy left when I came over.

Me: Sup, Ray? Who was dude?

Ray: My cousin. Did you find either one of your girls?

Me: Nope. But you wanna kick it tonight? My Dad's not gonna work the night shift and we can watch some college ball.

Ray: I got stuff to do. But I will catch up with you if I can.

Me: Oh okay! See you in class.

Princeton was with Tia. And they were going too far too fast so I wasn't gonna get cursed out in Spanish by Prince! Prodigy was on a excused absence to visit colleges that he wanted to attend. Today is gonna be soo lame!

**************Hendrix's POV************

Lunch came around and I was Starving! There were cheerleaders all over me! I know that I was looking fresh! Amber was sitting with Star and the other OMG's. But Dyamond wasn't in the lunch room. I maybe she had a different lunch period.

****************Manny's POV*************

I was looking for Dyamond. We were going to eat lunch together. Just to talk music. I had my guitar case and was walking through when I heard crying. It was coming from the locker room. I stopped.

???: Stop crying! You knew this was coming. So get up so we can go.

Girl:*crying* i'm not going with you!

???: Fine! I can just do it here then.

I heard a slam against the lockers and more crying. I didn't know what was happened but I went to get a teacher. I ran to Mr. Wycherley's office.

Me: Mr. W! Come quick!

Mr. W: what's going on?

Me: It's an emergency.

We ran to the locker room. The guy had her against the locker. He touched on her. Mr. W grabbed the guy away from the girl. It was Dyamond! I carried her, bridal style, out of the locker room. She was crying. I took her to Mr. Wycherley's office. I put her down on his couch.

Me: Dyamond, are you okay?

She wouldn't stop crying. I hugged her.

Me:*whispers* Please tell me.

Dyamond:*crying* I can't. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Me: What do you mean, "anyone else"?

Dyamond:*crying* He gets rid of anybody that tries to help! You can't help me or you will be gone too!

Me: Shh. I've got you now. And who is he?

Dyamond: My ex. He won't leave me alone until I give him my purity. And even then, hell would be a safer place!

Me: Look, I promise that I will protect you from him. No man should ever do that to a woman. I don't care if we just met, but I'm going to help!

She hugged me.

Dyamond: You are very brave for taking this chance for me.

Me: Whatever it takes.

The police came and arrested him, but Dyamond said, "It wouldn't be the end..."


[sorry it's short.]

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