Truth and Sorrow

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Part 13: Truth and Sorrow

*******Hendrix's POV*******

I showered again and I heard a muffed scream. I put on my shorts and grabbed my gun. I check Amber's room and age was gone. Dyamond was Too! Crap! I called my Dad.

***Phone Convo***

Dad: Hello?

Me: Dad! They got Dyamond and Amber!

Dad: Alright. Leave Right now.

Me: Alright.!.

***End of Convo***

I woke everyone up.

********Twist's POV*******

I had Drake bail me out. I went to the house with the guys. I waited until midnight to get Dyamond. Then I remember her and her sister look just alike! So We just took both of them. Busta tied them up and taped their mouth. He carried them to my room. I ripped the tape off.

Me: Which one is Dyamond?

1: Why do you care?

2: You're just gonna kill us anyways.

Me: If you tell me, then either of you will killed.

1&2: We're Not Telling you!

Me: Fine.

I put a gun to both of their heads.

Me: Now you can both die. And neither of you will live. It's obviously the best option!

1: Of course not!

2:*mumbles* Dumb Ass.

I pressed the gun under 2's Neck.

Me: How about I just kill you?

2: That's not even a real gun!

1: Nice eye, Dyamond!

2: Thanks, Dyamond! It's a toy gun from about the 60s that's been done up real nice. Trust me. I know!

Me: Just tell me which one of you is Dyamond!

1: Why didn't you tell Dyamond that you were married?

2: Your wife lives in California which is Roc's Sister.

Me: We divorced a month ago. It's over and done. She was having an affair with the pool boy and he ended up missing.

2: How are you such a monster if you love me?

1: or me!

Me: I'm not a monster. You haven't seen anything close to that.

1: Then what have we seen?

Me: A changed man. But it was only for the better.

2: How was this for the better if you're kidnapping me and hurt my sister? I thought you really did love me! You don't hurt the people that you love or keep secrets from them.

I saw her eyes watering. I hugged her.

Me: I didn't know that I was hurting you that bad, Dyamond. I really do love you, but I got caught up in this to make our future. I never meant for all of this to get this far.

Dyamond: How did it get this far?

Me: Other gangs started to put targets on my back. Word got out to them about you and I and they wanted both of us to suffer. Someone left you a death threat the night I dropped you off from the movies. I never wanted you to see it so I had to make you want to leave.

Amber: What about the part where you tried to rape her?

She looked and sounded frustrated.

Me: That was Wayne's idea. He was going to kill me if I didn't. I'm not really going to do it so I had put on a front.

Dyamond: What are you going to do with us?

Me: I don't know. But we need to get you back with your family. And get you out of Atlanta.

Girls: Why?

Me: I need to protect my lover and her family.

I snuck Amber and Dyamond through the garage and out of the house. I untied them and drove them to the Epps Estate.(Their house with 2 Chainz and Tamar.) They rang the doorbell and 2 Chainz opened the door. He aimed his gun at me.

Dyamond: Dad! Stop!

She stood in front of the gun's barrel.

2Chainz: Move Dyamond.

Dyamond: Dad, we have to leave Georgia.

Me: It would be deadly if you and your family stay.

He lowered the gun.

2Chainz: Girls, get Tia up and pack your stuff.

Dyamond: How long will we be gone?

2Chainz: I don't know.

Dyamond looked at me. She hugged my tightly. I wanted to cry. I never wanted to push Dyamond away or watch her leave.

Me:*whispers* I love you.

Dyamond:*whispers* I love you too.

I didn't know that this would be the last time I would be able to say that.....


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