Curve Ball?

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Part 10: Curve Ball?

**************Tamar's POV************

I watched Taylor and Tia walk down the driveway to school. I heard voices from downstairs.

*********2 Chainz's POV**********

Me and The guys were in the basement playing Poker all night.

Me: Look. There's a kid that wants to get in on this.

WizKhalifa: The Mafi?

Me: Yeah.

JuicyJ: What do mean by kid?

Me: 17. He goes to School with Tia and them. He probably heard about it through Hendrix.

Robin(Thicke): Look I'm not the black one on the group, but Maybe you should let him in. Just to test the water.

JuicyJ: Hell No. We can't risk a young cat.

Me: He's just gonna be watching out for Tia since Hendrix ain't there. That's it. I barely wanted my own son in this, but Hell, he wanted to protect his sisters.

WizKhalifa: You're Right for letting him do that.

Robin: When can we meet him?

Me: I told him to come over after school and walk Tia home. So about three.

Tamar Came downstairs.

Tamar: Boy! What is going on? I thought y'all would have gone home by now!

Robin: it's important.

Tamar: "Paula" important or "me and my homies" important?

Me: "Our children" important.

Tamar: Why didn't you tell me?! I would have canceled my plans today to talk "Business."

Me: what are you doing today?

Tamar: I was hoping that we could talk about it today, and go to Revival with my parents tonight.

Me: We can still do that when the guys leave.

Tamar: How long will that be?

Me: Not too much longer if Tia just went to school.

WizKhalifa: Yeah. I gotta head back to the crib. I'm on baby duty.

Me: Catch you later, Wiz.

WizKhalifa: Ight. Later.

He left. The other guys left too. I walked up to Tamar and kissed her.

Me: I love you.

Tamar: I love you too.

We showered and changed and stuff. We went out for the whole day. But while we were at the mall, we got a call from Bankhead. It was about Dyamond. I knew this was going to happen! Twist... I went and picked the triplets up from school. I told

Me: Hendrix! You were supposed to protect them.

Hendrix: I thought we had different lunch period!.

Me: Never-mind that now. When we get to the house, get in your uniform.

Hendrix:*huffs* okay.

Me: What?

Hendrix: Yes Sir.

Girls: What about us?

Me: No. You can't be apart if this.

Dyamond: Why?!

Amber: Hendrix always get to do the cool stuff!

Dyamond: Its cuz were girls.

Amber: No fair!

Me: Do you know what this is about?

Dyamond: no.

Amber: Yes! I heard you and Momma arguing about a couple of weeks ago!. I can hear you guys talking about new recruits all the time! But not one of them was a girl!

She sat back and huffed.

Me: Look, you wanna see what this life is about?

Dyamond: No! I wanna know why a twenty year old guy is still in high school and still trying to date me again!

I pulled up in the driveway and stopped. The F'ck?!

Me: Again?! When did you go out with Twist the first time?!

Dyamond:*sighs* It was two years ago, Daddy. I don't know he was that old!

Me: Now! You need to see this. Put on something black with a hood.

Triplets: Okay.

We got out of the car.

************Dyamond's POV************

Yes. I let Twist manipulate me into a relationship. He told me all of these things that he was going to do for me. But he would a twist on it. It was always sex. Like this first time he tried something on me.


He was over and my parents weren't home. Twist was right under me while we did homework. I was fifteen. He was 19 but I didn't know that. Twist told me that He was 17.

Twist: Babe.

Me: Yeah.

Twist: You're sure that's right?

He started rubbing my thigh.

Me: Yeah.

Twist: You've been working really hard to help me. You should take a break.

He sat my stuff on the floor and climbed on top of me. Twist started kissing my neck.

Me:*stopping him* Twist, I agree that we should take a break. But I don't feel comfortable losing my virginity with my siblings around.

Twist: I told you that you could come over to my place.

Me: I'm sorry. I just don't want it to happen right now.

Twist: Okay. But promise me that I can be your first.

I had to think about. Maybe we should. We had already Ben together for a year and some weeks. Plus I trust him.

Me: Okay. I promise.

He kissed me softly.

Twist: Okay.


Then we would go back to homework, but he would still try to touch me. If I told him that my parents were coming home, he was gone. Now I know why.

*************Amber's POV************

Dyamond and I went to our room.

Me: Do you need something black?

Dyamond: Why do you ask?

Me: The only things black that I see you wear are socks and accessories!

Dyamond: I do have black stuff.

Me: The lingerie that Twist bought you doesn't count!

Dyamond: You said you would shut up about that!

Me: Take my hoodie.

Dyamond: Okay.

We got dressed in black and went downstairs. School was over now and Tia came home, but she went to her room. She didn't even know we were home. We sat there just waiting. Three people came downstairs in a black hoods. I couldn't see their faces.

Dad: You made sure, Tia was Safe.

???: Yes, Sir.

Dad: Show my kids who you are.

They took the hoodies off. It was.....


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